How Being An Empath Can Lead To Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia, And Exhaustion

Do you consider yourself an empath? Do you know what it means to be an empath? This is an individual who has a strong capacity to feel the emotions, thoughts, and energy of others and though this has its advantages, it can also become overwhelming.

Hence, these highly sensitive individuals can experience chronic tiredness due to a crash in their energy levels. The causes for this may include different emotional responsibilities and because their energy reduces when they are not present, grounded, aware, and balanced.

What’s more, these people can feel extreme tiredness after spending time with people. They therefore need a lot of alone time in order to recharge. When they don’t, the consequences can be really challenging.

Empaths Feel Stronger & Suffer Because of It

Without doubt, our feelings, emotions, and thoughts influence our internal systems and therefore, we need time alone to process these emotions. When there is no alone time to achieve this, the mind of an empath becomes overactive at night when it is time for rest.

So, insomnia follows. Empaths may also wake up throughout the night because their minds are awake and busy with the information processing from the day.

Moreover, a hyperactive mind can lead to tiredness when we are continuously being bombarded with a lot of stimuli and no time to replenish. This can easily lead to irregular sleeping patterns, for example, some days; you may need 10 or more hours of sleep and others, only 2 to 3.

Types of Empaths

When it comes to empaths, there are two types of it, i.e. cognitive and affected. The former can perceive and understand others’ feelings and the latter can actually feel others’ emotions.

In a study done at Monash University, during a brain exam of empaths, it was concluded that they had differences in the density of the grey matter in specific brain parts.

This grey matter was able to help the researchers distinguish between the ones with cognitive and the ones with affected empathy. The former had denser matter in the midcingulate cortex and adjacent dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and the latter in the insula cortex.

Another study from 2014 tested the neural activity in the brain of empaths using MRI. The brain’s sections which became highly activated were the ones participating in attention, emotional understanding, awareness, and empathy.

What about Adrenal Fatigue?

The adrenal glands are small endocrine glands shaped like the kidneys and located in the lower part of the back, right above the kidneys. These glands are potent and useful when we are dealing with stress.

They secrete hormones which boost our focus, alertness, and stamina in order to manage the pressure.

But, in case of overstimulation of the glands, the energy production will continue and cause problems during rest and sleep. We will be on high alert all the time. Consequently, the adrenal glands will have a lot of pressure and can eventually burn out and their function can decrease.

Poorly functioning adrenal glands can lead to chronic tiredness, irritability, anxiety, and dizziness, as well as sugar cravings and low and high blood pressure.

To help avoid misbalance in the adrenal gland, it is crucial to think positive thoughts, eat healthy food, work out, and regulate our sleep.

Tips for Empaths to Preserve Energy & Avert Adrenal Fatigue

People with high sensitivity need to pay extra attention and mindfulness of their body, mind, and spirit to preserve their health and well-being.

Even though it is a good thing to be able to perceive others’ emotions and feelings, too much of it can be problematic.

Here are useful tips on how to restore a balance in your life:

  • Have boundaries in your relationships with people to prevent being taken advantage of
  • Eat healthy and foods rich in nutrients; avoid junk and processed food
  • Try meditation, mindfulness, and yoga to release negative energy and to lower stress
  • Spend time in nature to reconnect with your body, mind, and soul
  • Rest when you need to
  • Work out on a regular basis
  • Support your adrenal glands with supplements like fish oil, green and black tea, licorice, vitamin C, and valerian
