Nepal Makes Yoga in Schools Compulsory in an Effort to Encourage Healthy Lifestyle

The government of Nepal has decided to make yoga a compulsory subject for school children in order to encourage a healthy lifestyle.

The course of yoga will be part of the curriculums from the upcoming academic period and will be revised if necessary.

The Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology in Nepal has finished the designs of the yoga courses intended for grades 9th to 12th.

Also, certain yoga concepts will be added to other subjects like Nepali and English. They will have credits that are similar to other subjects.

They will be taught under a 3-year diploma program under the Council for Technical Education.

In the meantime, the curriculum for 3-year vocational course on Technical School Leaving Certificate in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Naturopathy has been created too.

Choose between Yoga, Ayurveda or Natural Medicine

According to joint secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, Krishna P. Kapri, the students can choose between yoga, natural medicine or Ayurveda at the school level.

The spokesman for the ministry Deepak Sharma explains that the course is included in school curriculums as a means of promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The courses will also aid students to learn more about yoga and why it’s so important for us. The courses will increase students’ moral values and help them maintain good mental health.

In addition to being good for the alleviation of numerous health problems, yoga, naturopathy, and Ayurveda will also be helpful for research.

The Importance of Yoga for a Healthy Way of Life

Yoga has been gaining a lot of popularity in Nepal and they consider it an invaluable gift and an ancient tradition that’s a pivotal element for a balanced and healthy life.

Nepal has been celebrating the international Yoga Day as of 2014 through several programs and yoga sessions.

For the PM of Nepal, Sharma Oli, yoga and meditation are the solutions for less anger and hatred in the world.

He explains that we’re suffering from aggression, selfishness, and greed. In order to free ourselves from this negativity and achieve balance, we need yoga and meditation.
