The 5 Most Potent Natural Antibiotics

Some natural substances possess antibacterial characteristics, but we’re not always certain which ones are safe to use and when. 

Over-the-counter antibiotics have helped people heal from otherwise fatal illnesses and other health issues since the 40s. However, a lot of people still turn to nature for treatment, especially to natural antibiotics. 

The NHS notes that approximately one in ten people have side effects from antibiotics that affect their digestive system from the consumption of antibiotics. And, around one in 15 individuals are allergic to antibiotics. 

This is why we decided to make a list of the best natural antibiotics. 

Anyway, science is still silent on natural antibiotics. Although people have been using them for centuries, most of these treatments haven’t been tested for their antibacterial or other properties.

Some though, have shown promising results in reviews, and studies are being done. 

The Five Most Powerful Natural Antibiotics 

  1. Garlic

For centuries, garlic’s preventive and healing properties have been recognized worldwide. 

According to available research, garlic can help with various types of bacteria, including E. coli and Salmonella. 

It’s also been considered for its power against tuberculosis which is multi-drug resistant.

  1. Ginger 

Ginger is another natural antibiotic that people swear by. And, some studies also back up these claims. 

Namely, one from 2017 found that ginger has the capacity to fight off numerous bacteria strains. 

It’s also being investigated for its potential to help with seasickness and nausea and its ability to reduce blood sugar levels.

  1. Honey

Honey has long been used as a topical treatment for faster healing of wounds and prevention of infections. 

Healthcare professionals say it’s helpful against chronic ulcers, burns, wounds, bedsores, and skin grafts. One study from 2016 found honey dressings to be beneficial in the healing of wounds. 

Its antibacterial properties are said to be enabled by its hydrogen peroxide. But, Manuka honey is considered the most potent in terms of fighting against bacteria despite its lower amount of hydrogen peroxide. 

In a study from 2011, it was reported that the best type of honey known to man can destroy around 60 bacteria. 

  1. Goldenseal

Consumed in capsules or tea to relieve respiratory and digestive issues is common. Goldenseal may also help against bacterial diarrhea and UTIs. 

Moreover, a study done recently encourages the use of goldenseal for the treatment of skin infections. 

What’s more, extracts of it have been used to avert MRSA from causing damage to tissues. 

However, if you plan on taking goldenseal, consult your doctor because this supplement can interfere with some prescription meds. 

  1. Oregano

According to some, oregano is good for immunity and possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics. 

Though more research is necessary to confirm such claims, some studies have already found it to be among the more beneficial natural antibiotics, especially in oil form. 

Are there any Risks Associated with Natural Antibiotics?

Just because a thing is natural, it’s not necessarily safe. The concentrations and amounts of active ingredients differ among supplement brands so you should read the labels well. 

And, in the best-case scenario, consult your physician before you start taking any type of supplement.
