5 Great Reasons Why Sprouted Grain Bread Deserves to be a Part of Your Diet

Sprouted grain bread is bread made from whole grains that have started sprouting or germinating. These grains are actually seeds.

With adequate warmth and moisture, these seeds from whole grains will start to sprout into a plant.

Sprouting has several benefits in terms of nutrition when compared to the bread which is made using grain flours or unsprouted grains.

Sprouting actually changes the grains’ nutritional profile and increases the availability of the nutrients and eases their digestion. 

Below, learn about the five best health advantages of consuming bread from sprouted grains!

5 Best Health Benefits of Sprouted Grain Bread

  1. It may help with weight loss & blood sugar management

Sprouting will partially dissolve the starch in the grains and thus, decrease the carb amount. 

In one study, this bread showed the lowest available carbs-34 grams per 4 ounces of serving in comparison to the 44 grams in a 12-grain bread. 

Sprouted grain bread also has a low GI and is lower than that in 11-grain, 12-grain, white, and sourdough bread. This means that it doesn’t cause blood sugar spikes. 

This makes it suitable for people with diabetes. 

It may also encourage weight loss if it’s consumed instead of other sprouted grain bread.

  1. A lower amount of gluten

Gluten is the sticky protein present in rye, barley, wheat, and spelt. 

It’s what makes bread chewy. In recent years, it’s gotten a lot of bad attention because of the possible negative effects on overall health. 

It’s been associated with leaky gut, inflammation, IBS, and other health issues in some individuals. People with gluten allergies and gluten sensitivities may benefit from sprouted grain bread because sprouting lowers the level of gluten in wheat by up to 47 percent and eases the tolerance to the grains. 

However, as the sprouting doesn’t remove gluten completely, people with celiac disease or a serious gluten allergy shouldn’t consume sprouted grains. 

Gluten-free grains like quinoa, rice, and corn are much better solutions.

  1. Rich in antioxidants

Sprouting boosts the antioxidant levels, including that of vitamins C and E and beta-carotene. 

Antioxidants are important compounds that keep the cells safe from the negative effects of free radicals associated with oxidative stress. This type of stress has been linked with various chronic illnesses, including heart illness, cancer, and diabetes. 

Foods high in antioxidants are therefore helpful in keeping the body safe from these diseases. 

Sprouting elevates the antioxidant activity so replacing sprouted with regular bread may help elevate the antioxidant levels in your body.

  1. Easier to digest

According to studies, sprouted whole grains better digestion. The process of sprouting dissolves the starch in the grains and eases their digestion. 

Moreover, they contain more enzymes than the unsprouted grains and they improve the digestion of food.

But, as these enzymes may deactivate during baking and other food processing methods with heat so some sprouted bread is cooked at lower temperatures to prevent this. 

Sprouted grains may also have a lower amount of lectins when compared to unsprouted grains. 

Lectins have been associated with chronic inflammation, autoimmune illness, and leaky gut.

  1. Higher amount of nutrients

Sprouted grains, when compared to other breeds, have higher amounts of nutrients, including vitamins B and C, fiber, and protein. 

The process of sprouting produces more of these nutrients but also eliminates the antinutrients-substances which block the nutrient absorption. 

In a serving of sprouted grain bread, you have 15 grams of protein compared to the 11 grams you get from 12-grain bread. 

According to studies, 50 percent of sprouted wheat flour in pita bread may elevate the content of folate by more than 160 percent.
