Healthy Tips

Sediment in Your Urine: Here Is What It Really Means

Sediment in Your Urine: Here Is What It Really Means

Your urine should look clear and not foggy, although its color may vary. Particles or sediment in the urine could be the reason for its cloudiness.  Sediment in urine can sometimes only be shown through a clinical test called a urinalysis. The sediment usually contains several cells, debris from the […]

Elevated White Blood Cells: Causes & Treatments

Elevated White Blood Cells: Causes & Treatments

A high level of white blood cells or leukocytosis may be a sign of several health problems. Some of them are inflammation, injury, infection, and disorders of the immune system. A blood count is usually done to check for leukocytosis. By treating the underlying cause, the white blood cell count […]