A lot of you will agree: there’s nothing better than satisfying your cravings for sweets with a tasty sweet treat, especially after a long day. However, a lot of us are unable to keep doing this, particularly if we’re trying to become more cautious about our intake of sugar or […]
Healthy Tips
Revealing Reasons for High Progesterone Levels & How It’s Addressed
Hormones are chemical messengers in the body which influence several bodily functions, from our digestion to the sleep-wake cycle. Progesterone is one of the two female sex hormones. The other is estrogen. The main functions are the regulation of menstruation and the support of pregnancy in the female body. Progesterone […]
Homemade DIY Body Wraps to Encourage Weight Loss, Remove Cellulite & Detox the Skin
From diets to fitness crazes, there are plenty of methods for weight loss available today. Americans, and people from other parts of the world, are constantly in search of effective methods to reduce their weight. A popular weight loss method is body wraps. This method is said to encourage a […]
Doctors Are Warning: Lash Lice Are Becoming More Common in Eyelash Extensions
If you wear eyelash extensions often, do you remember the last time you cleaned them properly? According to some optometrists, there’s a rise in the cases of lash lice or Demodex due to users not realizing how important it is to clean them daily. Believe it or not, some users […]
Waking Up with Numb or Tingling Hands: What It Really Means
It’s not uncommon to wake up with numb hands. Plenty of individuals have this sensation at one or another time. Sleeping in some positions which pressure the hand or arm is a common reason for a tingling and numb sensation that goes away after repositioning and waking up. But, this […]
Weight Gain after Gallbladder Removal: Causes & What to Do About It
The surgery to remove the gallbladder is a standard gallstone procedure. This small organ is part of the digestive system, but it’s not essential to our survival. Its removal may actually contribute to weight loss and people manage it through a healthy diet and physical activity. However, others may actually […]
Vaginal Discharge Color: White, Yellow, Pink, Brown, or Green. What Do They Mean?
Vaginal discharge may be in several colors. The consistency varies and may change throughout the month. Some of the most common colors of vaginal discharge are brown, red, clear, yellow, white, pink, or green. Most vaginal discharge is normal; however, some colors may signal some problem that needs to be […]
Sediment in Your Urine: Here Is What It Really Means
Your urine should look clear and not foggy, although its color may vary. Particles or sediment in the urine could be the reason for its cloudiness. Sediment in urine can sometimes only be shown through a clinical test called a urinalysis. The sediment usually contains several cells, debris from the […]
Elevated White Blood Cells: Causes & Treatments
A high level of white blood cells or leukocytosis may be a sign of several health problems. Some of them are inflammation, injury, infection, and disorders of the immune system. A blood count is usually done to check for leukocytosis. By treating the underlying cause, the white blood cell count […]
How to Get Rid of Gallstones with the Help of a Gallbladder Cleanse
Gallstones are small stones, usually comprised of cholesterol, created in the gallbladder. Usually, they don’t cause any symptoms and don’t require treatment. However, if the gallstone is caught up in the duct opening inside the gallbladder, it may trigger strong and intense belly pain which can last between an hour […]