Healthy Tips

Why Fermented Beets Are one of the Best Things You Can Eat daily

Without doubt, eating more beets can be highly beneficial for your overall health because they are abundant in powerful nutrients. Namely, they have polyphenols and betalains, antioxidants that can fight off heart disease, cancer, and birth defects. The betaine which they contain can better the functioning of the liver and […]

This Vegetable Will Fix everything Wrong in Your Body

With certainty, beetroot is one of the healthiest veggies ever and it has potent healing characteristics that can be of great aid in treating a long list of health issues. The anthocyanins which beetroot has is known to posses strong anticancer characteristics whereas the betaine enhances the health of the […]

This Homemade Syrup Destroys Bad Cholesterol and Fat Deposits

Sadly, nowadays, a lot of people suffer from high levels of lipids or accumulated cholesterol (fat) and triglycerides in the blood, which increases the risk of heart disease. In most situations, lipid disorder happens as a result of genetics or due to an unhealthy lifestyle consisted of unhealthy diet and […]

7 Health Warnings Your Eyes May Be Sending

7 Health Warnings Your Eyes May Be Sending

Believe it or not, as noted on Healing Life Is Natural, the eyes can reveal a lot of important information about your overall health. When there are some problems with the vision, there are specific symptoms that are more obvious than others and they can be used as indicators that […]

What Happens To Your Lungs When You Diffuse Essential Oils

As explained on Real Farmacy, asthma is an illness characterized by an inflammation of the airways which supply the lungs with air. When the airways are inflamed, they become much more sensitive and the breathing becomes more difficult. Some of the major asthma signs are problems with the breathing, coughing, […]