Healthy Tips

The Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic That Destroys Colds & Flu

Have you heard about fire cider? This is a powerful homemade drink which can avert colds and flu. When regularly consumed, it will also help you fight off congestion, sore throat, allergy flareups and it will help you improve your digestion too. What’s more, you can easily prepare it at […]

The Wet Sock Treatment: A Natural Remedy for Colds & Flu

According to Jamey Wallace, ND, Clinical Medical Director at Bastyr Center for Natural Health, the wet sock treatment is a very powerful one. He claims that this therapy has the power to enhance the blood flow and strengthen the immunity.  When you the immune system is strong, the risk of […]

6 Warnings Of Heart Attack You Should NEVER Ignore

Believe it or not, as seen on Natural On, cancer is not the number one death cause in America, but the first place goes to heart disease which is responsible for 40 percent of all US deaths. Heart disease is so deadly because of several reasons. One major contributing factor […]