Healthy Tips

6 Major Warning Signs Your Body Gives before a Heart Attack

6 Major Warning Signs Your Body Gives before a Heart Attack

Without doubt, preventing a problem is better than curing it and this applies to any illness and is especially important when the symptoms are not adequately acknowledged. Hence, as seen on Bright Side, there are specific symptoms that may happen a month or earlier before a heart attack and being […]

This Powerful Tea Can Help You Cure Swollen Legs In Days

Unfortunately, having swollen legs is an unpleasant health problem which may lower one’s quality of life and ruin your self-confidence. The main causes for it vary from weight gain, poor blood flow, unhealthy diet, pregnancy to external factors like hot weather, changes in temperature, humidity, and of course, gravity. It […]

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Drink Beer! No.4 Is Crucial!

Did you know that beer is one of the oldest and most consumed alcoholic drinks that people used to drink with specific meals, especially in north America and Europe? What’s more, this beverage is abundant in vitamin B and protein, unlike wine, even though they share the same antioxidants. As […]