In the past, spikenard was one of the most precious oils-it was used as a perfume and a medicine from India to Europe. And, it’s even mentioned in the Bible when Mary of Bethany spends a year’s worth of wages to purchase the oil and anoint the feet of Jesus […]
Healthy Tips
Lion’s Mane Mushroom: the Nutritional Powerhouse with Brain-Boosting & Cancer-Fighting Properties
Did you know that there’s a mushroom that looks a bit like a lion’s scruff? The lion’s mane mushroom has been linked with amazing brain, anti-cancerous properties, and many other potential health benefits. This nootropic food is already very popular in traditional Chinese medicine. Increasing research in the last couple […]
How to Make the Detox Water that Helps You Flush Out Fat from the Body
Thanks to this popular and healthy detox water, you’ll heal bloating and enjoy a flat belly naturally. The key of the detox water is combining the right herbs and fruits and reap their cleansing and anti-inflammatory advantages. Drinking water is essential and it’s even better when we add some herbs […]
Research Finds a Link between Deep Forehead Wrinkles & Heart Illness
Research points out that the deep wrinkles on one’s forehead may be a sign of person’s risk of atherosclerosis-a type of cardiovascular condition which can lead to stroke or heart illness. Atherosclerosis is characterized by buildup of plaque in the arteries which diminishes their elasticity and makes them narrower. Consequently, […]
MIT Scientists Successfully Developed Breathable & Eco-Friendly Fabric Using the Material for Single-Use Bags
MIT engineers successfully developed self-cooling fabrics using polyethylene, a material that’s common in the production of plastic bags. When considering materials that are potential fabrics of the future, scientists seemed to have dismissed a widely available choice, i.e. polyethylene. Polyethylene is the stuff in plastic wraps and grocery bags and […]
Spice Up Your Romantic Life by Adding these 5 Food Aphrodisiacs to Your Diet
Aphrodisiacs are foods or drugs which arouse our sexual instincts, encourage our desire or better our sexual performance and pleasure. The list of drugs that are marketed for their ability to boost our libidos is long. Still, there are people who prefer the natural variant because it’s safer and comes […]
Meet the Psychobiome: Gut Bacteria that may Change how We Think, Feel & Act
Katya Gavrish is on the lookout for new brain drugs in the most unlikely place, i.e. in samples of human stool. The earnest and focused microbiologist who was trained in Russia and loves to listen to classical music is working at a lab in Holobiome, a small startup company there. […]
Snack some more Kola Nut: Energizes You Naturally & Helps You Shed Pounds
Although it may not be as popular as pistachios and peanuts, kola nut is an amazing nut; rich in nutrients and boasting a one-of-a-kind aroma and flavor, it’s commonly added in supplements, soft drinks, and more. Each pod contains the same amount of caffeine as two cups of coffee, along […]
Wine Destroys Bacteria which Causes Dental Plaque & Sore Throat, Found New Study
As if we were in need of more excuses to drink wine right? Namely, a recent study gave a pretty good reason to have a sip. Apparently, wine helps us lower our risk of getting ill. The study was published in the Agricultural and Food Chemistry journal and was a […]
Superior Ancient Grain: Einkorn Flour Lowers Risk of Eye Illnesses & Encourages Weight Loss
Same as two other ancient types of wheat, emmer and spelt flour, einkorn is covered wheat; however, it’s less abundant in gluten and richer in nutrients than the traditional whole wheat. Many consider ancient grains more nutritious than the more recent varieties. And, einkorn flour is ancient wheat abundant in […]