Parchment paper is a versatile type of paper that’s resistant to heat up to 400 degrees F. It’s also used to protect from grease and humidity. It’s non-stick and helps keep cookies or cakes from sticking on the base of sheet pans or other baking surfaces. Parchment paper is the […]
Healthy Tips
How to Make Healthy Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise is a tasty and versatile condiment that almost every household has in their fridge. However, the store-bought variants aren’t always the healthiest option, especially after you learn how damaging the vegetable oils inside it can be. With this in mind, it’s good to know that there are plenty of […]
The Truth about Breakfast Cereals & Their Health Effects: Good or Bad?
Reaching for a balanced and quality breakfast in the morning is essential to stay in good health and remain energized throughout the day. In a 2018 study, it was found that the quality of breakfast is so vital that it’s worse for people to reach for an unhealthy breakfast than […]
This Superfood Eradicates Cancer Cells & Lowers Blood Sugar & Cholesterol in Overweight Adults
Acai berries are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fats. Packed with nutrients, they make a great addition to a healthy and balanced diet. This dark purple fruit is an inch or so in diameter and grows on acai palm trees native to the rainforests of South and Central America. […]
Drink Clove Water for a Whole Month & These 5 Things Will Happen
When you’re restocking your spice rack, you’re probably making sure the basics like garlic powder, cayenne pepper, and turmeric are covered. Of course, salt and pepper are also on the to-buy list. However, there’s another thing that this list is missing and it’s cloves! They’re abundant in nutrients and can […]
If You Have These Tiny White Bumps on Your Face, Don’t Try to Remove Them
Small white bumps or cysts under the surface of the skin are known as milia. This common skin condition can happen in newborns and adults. Treatment isn’t necessarily required as these bumps are usually harmless and tend to go away on their own. The condition often lasts only several weeks, […]
ADHD Medications Are Dangerous for Kids & Can Lead to Sudden Death
A study found that some stimulant-based drugs that were used for the treatment of ADHD in children may lead to sudden cardiac death. However, the FDA didn’t advise parents to stop giving their children ADHD meds because of the study’s limitations and the fact that the benefits outweigh them. Study […]
The 10 Most Toxic Items at Dollar Stores
Dollar stores may be convenient because there’s a wide array of products you can buy for a very low price. But, what you may not know is that these dollar store shops often sell items that are toxic and may harm your health and well-being. Once upon a time, dollar […]
75-Year-Old Grandma Changed Her Diet: She Tracked Her Progress with an iPhone & Lost 55 Pounds
Joan MacDonald went through a major life transformation: from struggling to walk upstairs to becoming a fitness influencer on Instagram with more than 1 million followers. MacDonald’s situation is unique because she did this while in her 70s. Her turning point was when her doctor informed her that her blood […]
Boosting Your Intake of This Vitamin Can Help Protect Against Heart Disease & Cancer
All 2000+ nutrients play a vital role in maintaining our health. But, there’s one that stands out. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient you shouldn’t be missing out on. It works together with the parathyroid hormone in the regulation of the calcium levels in the blood and promotes healthy bones. […]