Healthy Tips

5 Beneficial Natural Treatment Options for Arthritis Management

5 Beneficial Natural Treatment Options for Arthritis Management

In addition to conventional arthritis therapy, there are also natural methods for arthritis management. Unfortunately, CDC statistics shows that more than 50 million American citizens have arthritis or every 1 in 5 people older than 18 have some type of arthritis. This condition is manifested by aching and stiff joints […]

The 5 Best Proven Health Benefits of MCT Oil

The 5 Best Proven Health Benefits of MCT Oil

MCT oil is a popular supplement which is usually added to salad dressings, smoothies, and coffees. MCT stands for medium-chain triglyceride and this oil is comprised of medium-length fat chains known as triglycerides. Because of their shorter length, they’re easier for digestion and their processing in the body offers numerous […]

5 Best Advantages of Collagen for the Hair, Skin & Joints

5 Best Advantages of Collagen for the Hair, Skin & Joints

Nowadays, we’re often seeing collagen listed as an ingredient in body lotions or using collagen supplements; however, do we really know whatare the best advantages of collagen? And, are we aware what it does? Namely, collagen is the most common protein in our body and its present in the bones, […]