Without doubt, turmeric is one of the most popular superfoods today. Present for a long period of time, people today are becoming more and more aware of its amazing health advantages. Part of Ayurveda, turmeric is not just regularly added to meals and drinks to improve their flavor, but also […]
Healthy Tips
Say Goodbye to Gout Forever With This Powerful Natural Treatment!
As a lot of you who are reading this article probably already know, gout is a rather painful condition that happens when the body starts producing surplus uric acid which increases the pain and inflammation in the body. Though most common in middle-aged and elderly individuals, gout may happen in […]
This Castor Oil Remedy Is Highly Effective Against Allergies And Back Pain
Did you know that castor oil has been used for thousands of years to relieve numerous health problems? Many use it on a regular basis as a natural way to alleviate backache, temporary sprains, and blemishes. But, as there have been some reports of possible negative side effects, make sure […]
Relieve Stomach Flu with Apple Cider Vinegar & Eat this afterwards to Recover Quickly
Stomach flu or gastroenteritis is an infection of the intestines and stomach. Although we usually refer to it as the flu, it is not the same as influenza. Namely, influenza does not necessarily affect the GI tract and most of the influenza symptoms happen in the respiratory tract. In most […]
Fight Off Anxiety with this 2-Minute Ancient Breathing Technique
As the Anxiety Disorders Association of America points out, anxiety disorders is the most common type of mental disease in the US. Statistics shows that around 40 million Americans suffer from it. There are different types of anxiety and an anxiety attack is often explained as a sudden fear and […]
Travelling Makes Us Happier than Material Wealth, Scientists Claim
Without doubt, for a lot of people (maybe including you!), travelling is more valuable than anything else. Travel is known to bring a lot of joy and happiness and many individuals decide to spend their money on a trip rather than buying objects. And, believe it or not, studies also […]
Cleanse Your Colon & Lower the Blood Pressure with this Honey & Apple Cider Vinegar Blend
Believe it or not, this DIY drink with apple cider vinegar and honey has the power to detoxify your gut, balance the blood pressure, and elevate your energy levels. Both of its main ingredients have amazing healing properties and when they are combined together, their power is additionally enhanced. The […]
How To Use Baking Soda To Wash Your Face, Hair And Whiten the Teeth
One thing is for sure- the uses of baking soda are so different that we see a new one appearing every day! Some use it to clean their kitchen, others to bake, and third to clean their face and teeth. Regardless of why you are using it, this natural and […]
Plants Cannot Grow near a Wi-Fi Router, a Student Experiment Shows
When talking about Wi-Fi, we cannot but ignore its appeal. This revolutionary technology available since 1999 eliminates the need for cables and wires for computers and gives us the opportunity to be online from anywhere with a signal. However, despite its numerous advantages, studies continue showing that the radiation produced […]
Panic Attacks and Anxiety Linked to Low Vitamin B and Iron Levels
Unfortunately, some of the most common mental health problems today are anxiety and panic attacks. But, according to newest research, these mental health issues are not entirely mental in nature. Namely, it was discovered that our diet and some other aspects of our physical health influence our mental well-being. This […]