Kidney stones form in the kidneys when surplus minerals begin to build up. When they’re stagnant, they don’t usually cause symptoms. But, once they pass into the ureter, the pain and other symptoms are unbearable. Passing kidney stones is associated with strong spasms, sweating, painful urination, constant need for urination, […]
Plants & Herbs
If You Notice These Eggs in Your Backyard, You Need to Burn Them Immediately: How to Recognize & Manage Tick Eggs
Thinking of ticks is often enough to make people’s stomachs turn. Unfortunately, ticks, the tiny and blood-sucking pests, are common in backyards and gardens. But, if you’ve noticed ticks on your property, don’t fret. We’re here to help you get rid of them once and for all. Removing them is […]
Every Night Before You Go to Bed, Drink This Mixture: Cleanses the Colon and speeds Up the Fat Burning Process
This natural homemade mixture is tasty, easy to make, and great for those on a weight loss journey. It’s packed with nutrients and the parsley and lemon juice inside will support your body’s efforts to burn calories. It will also encourage the loss of stubborn fat from the stomach area. […]
The Best from Our Grandmas: Traditional Remedy to Relieve Joint & Back Ache at Home
Thanks to this homemade all-natural remedy, you can alleviate pain and discomfort caused by arthritis backache, osteoarthritis, and other issues with your muscles, bones, and joints. Using the benefits of folk remedies can be really helpful, especially when the conventional methods fail to work or provide the desired results. Our […]
Protect Your Body Tissues with This Miracle Tree Powder: Better than any Multivitamin with 10X the Calcium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C than any Fruit or Veggie?
We live in a world full of processed foods and drinks. That’s the harsh truth. Our diets lack nutrients. So, malnutrition is a growing epidemic. More than 800 million individuals don’t have access to nutritive food sources to stay healthy and develop well. Unfortunately, the poor diet and lifestyle have […]
This Ancient Root Was Used to Heal Poisonous Arrow Wounds. Now We Know It Also Calms Irritated Skin, Heals IBS, Relieves Athlete’s Foot & Has 10 Other Health Benefits
For more than 7000 years, indigenous cultures relied on a powerful root with amazing healing properties known as arrowroot to heal a variety of health problems. They used it for so many things, including to heal wounds from poison arrows. Studies have found it beneficial in soothing IBS symptoms and […]
Nature’s Best Lymphatic Cleansers
Sometimes, the cause for constant swelling, fatigue, and different health issues may be due to an imbalanced lymphatic system. This system is pivotal for a long list of bodily functions. This is why the body will experience a long list of side effects if the lymphatic system is imbalanced. A […]
If You Plant These Medicinal Seeds in Your Garden, This Is What You Should Expect
Stuck with a terrible migraine and you don’t want to reach for an OTC again?! -No worries, there are natural remedies you can try that will provide relief. We have nature’s powerful resources and they offer stunning healing properties that our ancestors relied on. They didn’t know about meds because […]
Herbal Tonic for Gut Repair
In order for your digestive health to be optimal, you need a proper balance of the gut microbiome. This blend of good gut bacteria that reside in the gut is vital for a strong immune system, a healthy brain, proper nutrient synthesis, and optimal digestion. A healthy gut is vital […]
Homemade Natural Valium: Quality Sleep & Better Mood
Poor sleep quality has a negative effect on our overall health and well-being. When you’re sleeping poorly, you will also have low focus and become moody. The body needs sleep to rest and to function properly. The problem with poor sleep is that if you go to the doctor’s office, […]