
Will Milkmen Make a Comeback in London after Millenials Order Milk in Glass Bottles to Help Reduce Plastic Pollution?

Milkmen Return as Millennials Bid to Cut Plastic Waste

Milkmen and milkwomen are coming back in London after millenials started using glass milk bottles in the effort to reduce plastic waste. Younger customers, amidst the growing concerns over the immense plastic waste and the problems it’s been causing, are looking for glass bottles of milk rather than plastic ones. […]

Farmers Use Flame-Throwing Tractors to Remove Pests & Weeds

Farmers Use Flame-Throwing Tractors to Remove Pests & Weeds

This new innovation in the farming world has caught the internet’s eye-tractors with flame throwers used by farmers for the removal of pests and weeds. Indeed, modern farmers have had a difficult time growing sufficient amounts of food with the constant attack from chemicals and pesticides so this method may […]

The Cute Baby Born with Gray Hair Takes over the Internet

Baby Born With Gray Hair Has The Internet Talking

When this baby was born, both the doctors and the mother were surprised- this cute newborn had gray hair. Baby Bence was born with a normal weight almost 12 pounds and a normal height of 21 inches. But, his whole hair was bright white. To find out the cause for […]