
Thai Locals Are Building these Little Shelters for Stray Dogs

Thai Locals Are Building these Little Shelters for Stray Dogs

A survey done by the Thai Department of Livestock Development in 2016 concluded that out of the 6.7 million dogs in Thailand, 750,000 are strays.  Unfortunately, this number has only risen since. In Bangkok alone, according to some estimates, there are around 100,000 and 300,000 strays.  Since no one is […]

3 Effective Recipes to Cleanse the Kidneys

3 Effective Recipes to Cleanse the Kidneys

Considering the amount of fast food and soda drinks we consume daily, it’s no wonder our organs suffer. All of those unhealthy fats from fast food and the artificial sugar from soda drinks aren’t any good news for the overall health and many organs will start to function poorly as […]

Fig Leaf Tea: Health Benefits & Uses (+Possible Risks!)

Fig Leaf Tea: Health Benefits & Uses (+Possible Risks!)

Since ancient times, the tea from the leaves of figs has been a common way to better the overall health.  Many praise it for its ability to keep glucose under control, lower constipation, and better the lipid profile.  The fig tree is part of the Moraceae family and it originates […]

5 Easy Ways to Flatten Your Belly

5 Easy Ways to Flatten Your Belly

Getting rid of that unpleasant fat around your middle section can be a real challenge.  The surplus fat in the midsection isn’t just a risk for several illnesses, but it may also diminish your confidence and cause bloating. But, there are some helpful strategies that encourage the loss of this […]

Pandan Leaves: Effective Cure for Symptoms of Arthritis

Pandan Leaves: Effective Cure for Symptoms of Arthritis

Pandan or screwpine is an aromatic plant that is praised for its sweet and floral fragrance and its versatility.  Its leaves are spiky and they grow in fan-shaped bunches, in tropical climates. Some varieties have fruits that look like red-orange pinecones. There are more than 600 types of it, although […]

5 Revealing Signs that Someone Secretly Dislikes You

5 Revealing Signs that Someone Secretly Dislikes You

When you’re doubting if some person is genuinely fond of you or not and you don’t feel ready enough to ask them directly, there are other ways you can find out. To do this, you need to pay more attention to details like some gestures they make when they’re around […]