You’ve been probably hearing a lot about moringa lately thanks to the increase in people’s awareness about the importance of following a healthy lifestyle and eating a healthy diet. Moringa or moringa oleifera is a plant which is also known as the miracle or drumstick tree and it’s been used […]
Recent Posts
A Study Published in Virology Journal Found Echinacea Extract to Be Effective against 5 Influenza Strains
For centuries, Echinacea has been used by Native Americans. When the Europeans settled there, they also accepted the amazing healing power of this herb and recognized it for its potent immunity strengthening advantages. According to research, the extract of Echinacea may also be of aid in destruction of viruses like […]
Dark Chocolate Hummus- Tastes just like Brownie Batter & It’s Good for You
Creamy, chocolate-y, and rich, this healthy chocolate hummus is a totally a different dip than the one you usually consider for warm pitas or fresh fruits. Even children will love it, which is great because they can still enjoy something sweet, without you having to worry about their health. This […]
How to Make Homemade Disinfecting Wipes to Wipe Away the Germs
Did you know that store-bought cleaning wipes can contain chemical ingredients? One such ingredient is bleach which is known to have several side effects. With this in mind, it’s good to know that you can avoid these products and make your all-natural homemade disinfectant wipes. The procedure is so simple […]
Fermented Garlic Can Help Eliminate most Bacteria, Fungi & other Harmful Microorganisms
By now, we already know that garlic is healthy and good for us, but did you know that the fermented garlic is more nutritious than the raw one? According to studies, fermentation increases the healing capacity of garlic and its bioavailability. The nutrients in fermented foods make it easy for […]
Elderberry Gummies: Immune Strengthening And Flu Busting Snack For Kids An Adults
You can easily fight off the colds and the flu with these homemade immune-strengthening gummy bears from elderberry. They’re rich in nutrients and antioxidants and everyone loves them, especially children. They’re easy and fun to make and you can make them in the shape you prefer with the help of […]
Shocking, but True: 12,000 Lions Are Captivated to be Killed for Tourism
A shocking revelation comes from the new book and movie by Lord Ashcroft about the poaching industry in Africa where thousands of lions are farmed in captivity to be later shot dead by tourists for pleasure. In the book titled Unfair Game: an Expose of South Africa’s Captive-Bred Lion Industry, […]
Rare & Elusive Wild Black Leopard Caught on a Camera
A photographer caught high quality images of a rare black leopard at one wilderness camp in Africa. Will Burrard-Lucas wrote in a blog post that he’s been fascinated by stories of black panthers and their elusive nature since he was a child. He started to conceptualize his dream of photographing […]
Check Out How this Bear Relaxed on a Couch Someone Threw Away
Who would’ve thought that this wild bear would have a pleasant time enjoying on a sofa someone dumped at a garbage site? The unusual moment was caught on camera by Mandy Stantic and her family who were driving around Lac Brochet in the north of Manitoba in Canada last spring. […]
Those Who Hurt Others to Feel Stronger Are the Weakest People
People who bully others do it to feel stronger, powerful, in control. In schools, we see children bullying other children because they’re struggling with poor self-esteem. Through bullying others, they feel powerful and make others feel small and hurt them. This false sense of power fades away soon and they […]