Autumn Peltier is an indigenous Canadian teen who gave her first speech for universal access to clean and safe water when she was just 8-years-old. Today, she’s still young, but it has been 5 years since her first speech. In fact, she’s been quite active throughout the years and has […]
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Ladies, Would You Say Yes? – This Man Proposed to His Girlfriend with Chicken McNuggets
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Grieving Woman Gains a lot of Weight, but Manages to Lose more than 120 Pounds
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Janitor Becomes a Physicist after Learning Trigonometry from YouTube
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After 20 Years of Celebrating Christmas Alone, this Senior’s Reaction to a Surprise Brought People to Tears
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Successful Young Businessman from Switzerland Quits Job & Sells everything to Go & Save Lions in South Africa
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Beautiful World: Woman Gives Her Jacket to Her Dog so It Stays Warm while Waiting Outside
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4-Year-Old Isla Heroically Saves Her Mother’s Life by Calling 911 After She Collapsed
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