As emphasized on King Demic, as people age, it is not uncommon to experience more body pain in different body parts. And, although the pain usually comes and goes, in some people, it can last longer, for hours and even days and months. Even though you may think that experiencing […]
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Men Who Marry Smart Women Live Longer
Yes guys, if you want to live longer, you should look for women with brains, not just beauty. Although getting older can be challenging, choosing the right women to be beside you can help you live a healthy and long life. What’s more, a happy and loving marriage does not […]
Scientists Verify Elderberry Beats The Flu, Prevents Colds, And Strengthens The Immunity
Black elderberry is a plant which grows throughout Europe, central and western Asia, and northern Africa and it is consumed throughout the whole world. And, there are several distinct species. Both the flowers and the berries have long been used for their medicinal properties which stem from the abundance of […]
Learn what Your Pinky Says about Your Personality & Character
Did you know that your small finger can reveal different and important information about your personality traits? Cool, right? Namely, as noted on King Demic, a lot of palmists throughout the world assert that the length of the pinky finger actually tells what kind of person you are! Therefore, if […]
Here Is Why the Hunza People Live Up to 120 Years & Rarely Get Sick
Have you heard about the Hunza people and their long life span and optimal health? Believe it or not, they are considered to be the people with the highest longevity in the world, rarely suffer from diseases, and are also the happiest people out there. So, what is their secret? […]
Selfie Addiction Is A Sign Of Mental Health Disorder
With the increase of the popularity of selfies, a lot of scientists have been doing different research and according to some of them, taking selfies may be associated with several mental health problems. Namely, Dr. David Veale, a psychiatrist, asserts that 2 out of 3 people with BDD (Body Dysmorphic […]
Garlic Health Benefits – Why You Should Eat Raw Garlic Daily
You could say without a doubt that garlic is one of the most widely used medicinal remedies out there. Known for centuries and present in nearly all cultures, garlic is more than just a spice used in cooking around the world. Garlic has a stronger taste raw than cooked. The Scripps Research […]
While Thousands of People Evacuated from Hurricane Florence, Millions of Animals Drowned on Factory Farms
Due to the Hurricane Florence, numerous families from North Carolina have packed up most of their belongings and left their homes to avoid being flooded. Most of them have done everything they could to bring their cats, dogs, and other animal companions with them or at least place them somewhere […]
Mango Sorbet with Banana & Pineapple; Vegan
Are you a fan of sorbet? Are you in need of a new, inspiring recipe for sorbet that is vegan, healthy, and free of artificial sugar? No worries, Emily von Euw from One Green Planet has to offer the ideal mango sorbet with banana and pineapple recipe with all readers! […]
Photo of Newborn Calf Drinking Milk from a Hose will Make You Rethink Dairy
According to One Green Planet, nowadays, thanks to the efforts of investigators and whistleblowers, the sad reality and harsh methods of factory farming are no longer a secret. Unfortunately, a lot of people are still being manipulated by marketers and still believe that cows live in idyllic green pastures and […]