As noted on Mercola, the texture, color, and shape of your natural nails can reveal a lot of important information about your internal health. Although some nail symptoms are harmless, some may be symptoms of chronic illnesses, including cancer. The rate of growth of your nails is also a way […]
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5 Rarely Discussed Early Signs of Breast Cancer
Even though breast cancer does not always show symptoms in the beginning, when it is timely diagnosed, it can increase the chances for successful treatment and recovery. In order to be able to detect breast cancer early on, you need to be able to recognize the warning symptoms. With this […]
This 5 Minute Exercise You Can Do With Just Your Hands Will Boost Energy & Balance Emotions
As explained on Soul Spot TV, Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient, Japanese type of touch therapy which one can perform on their own. It is beneficial for balancing your feelings and energy through the proper stimulation of the meridians that are located in the hands. Continue reading the article […]
What Does the Shape of Your Buttocks Reveal about Your Health?
Did you know that your buttocks’ size and shape can reveal a lot of important information regarding your health? What’s more, opposite to what you may have thought, higher amount of fat in this may not be disadvantageous after all. According to Curious Mind Magazine, what is more important is […]
Naturally Reduce Cortisol & Beat Stress & Anxiety in 5 Minutes
As noted on Life Advancer, the cortisol levels in your body can be easily reduced; the key is to know the right way to address stress and anxiety. As you may already know, excessive stress or anxiety can contribute to a higher secretion of cortisol, i.e. more stress. This being […]
Fatty Liver: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Home Remedies
The liver is the second largest organ and it is in charge of different functions, including the processing of foods and drinks and the filtration of bad substances from the blood. Fatty liver is a condition characterized by an excessive accumulation of fat in the liver, as explained on Health […]
Foods that Can Help You Nourish Your Pineal Gland
If you are in search of enlightenment through meditation or if you merely want to be able to get a quality sleep at night, you need to maintain your pineal gland healthy. Also known as the third eye, this pinecone-shaped endocrine organ is found in the brain and releases and […]
How a 70-Year Old Woman Who Went Sugar-Free 28 Years ago Looks like Today
30 years ago, a woman named Carolyn Hartz stopped eating processed sugar after years of being “addicted” to sweets. Today, she has an amazing body and a glowing complexion that a lot of people who are much younger than her often dream of having. She states that in order to […]
How to Detoxify & Get Rid of Psoriasis once & for All
Believe it or not, psoriasis may be successfully treated with the help of specific natural remedies. The primary reason why conventional medicine cannot seem to treat it is thought by many to be a result of an insufficient understanding of this skin health problem. What Is Psoriasis? This skin disease, […]
Ancient Homemade Syrup that Helps Remove Phlegm From the Lungs And Relieves Coughing
Coughing is never pleasant, that is for sure. It is a common symptom during a cold or it is also a common occurrence in heavy smokers. This being said, in today’s article, we decided to present one of the best homemade remedies for alleviating coughing. What is great about this […]