Tag: chemicals

White as never before: DIY All-Natural Teeth Whitening Powder

How To Make Your Own All-Natural Teeth Whitening Powder

Like most people do, you probably also want a bright and healthy smile and white teeth. But, getting your teeth professionally whitened is not necessarily affordable and the over-the-counter whitening creams do not always provide the wanted results. Plus, these bleaching products are often filled with strong chemicals that can […]

7 Amazing Foods to Detox the Liver & Better Its Function

7 Amazing Foods to Detox the Liver & Better Its Function

As you may already know, the liver is the second largest organ which participates in numerous bodily activities. Often referred to as the gatekeeper of the whole body, it works non-stop and detoxifies everything that enters and leaves the body. In addition to performing daily functions, it also helps the […]