Tag: health

The 8 Best Healing Herbs According to the Bible

The 8 Best Healing Herbs According to the Bible

For thousands of years, people have been using healing herbs for their medicinal and culinary advantages. This being said, in today’s article, we’re going to talk about some  of the most powerful herbs according to the Bible and what their uses were and what their uses are today. According to […]

Acupuncture may Replace Antidepressants, Researchers Claim

Acupuncture may Replace Antidepressants, Researchers Claim

Unfortunately, around 10 percent of US citizens are depressed, according to the NIH, or more than 20 million individuals. What’s more, in the last 15 years, there has been a major increase in the use of antidepressants or to be more precise, 65 percent. Knowing the side effects linked with […]

DIY Magnesium Gummies: Alleviate Stress & Anxiety

DIY Magnesium Gummies: Alleviate Stress & Anxiety

Unfortunately, millions of people worldwide are having problems with insomnia, stress or anxiety. In most cases, to alleviate these health issues, they reach for over-the-counter pills. However, these pills come with unwanted side effects and are of no help in the long run. They merely suppress the symptoms and may […]

6 Simple Things that Will Help You Be more Positive

6 Simple Things that Will Help You Be more Positive

The great Lao Tzu once said, “Watch your character; it becomes your destiny” and many will agree that this is not far from the truth. The views we have on life often shape our destiny; so, we can always try and better our perspective and thus, lead a more positive […]