Tag: natural remedy

This Is what You Need to Know before Using Turmeric again

What You Need To Know Before Using Turmeric Again

You have probably been hearing and reading a lot about turmeric and its potent healing characteristics, right? But, did you know what makes it so healthy and how to ensure it is completely absorbed by the body? Namely, according to Longevity Box, turmeric has curcumin, an active ingredient which is […]

Nabeez: This Ancient Drink Will Detox Your Whole Body

Nabeez: This Ancient Drink Will Detox Your Whole Body

Have you heard about the Nabeez beverage? You probably have because it has become very popular these days, even though its usage dates back centuries ago. Thanks to more and people becoming aware of the benefits of natural remedies, this drink is regularly used to help with a long list […]

2 Best Essential Oils for Healthy Teeth & Gums

For centuries, essential oils have been used for numerous different purposes and nowadays, there are a lot of scientific studies proving their effectiveness and beneficial healing properties. Besides being used for aromatherapy, many people use essential oils as cures for a long list of health problems, including the oral health, […]