Tag: oral health

Aloe Vera: Best Health Benefits & How to Grow it at Home

Aloe Vera: Best Health Benefits & How to Grow it at Home

Without doubt, aloe vera is one of the plants with the most amazing healing characteristics. Used for thousands of years through different continents, this plant does not stop surprising us. The translucent gel in it which is slightly bitter is 96 percent water, has 18 amino acids, and vitamins A, […]

Amazing Natural Medicine: This Is How to Use Lemon Peel as a Cure

How To Use Lemon Peel As A Natural Medicine

Most people are aware that lemons have a lot of health benefits to offer; however, little do they know that the peel is also highly nutritious and can be your best ally in fighting off numerous health issues. Whether to help improve the quality of your skin or help clean […]

White as never before: DIY All-Natural Teeth Whitening Powder

How To Make Your Own All-Natural Teeth Whitening Powder

Like most people do, you probably also want a bright and healthy smile and white teeth. But, getting your teeth professionally whitened is not necessarily affordable and the over-the-counter whitening creams do not always provide the wanted results. Plus, these bleaching products are often filled with strong chemicals that can […]

5 DIY Remedies to Fight Off Bad Breath Naturally

5 DIY Remedies to Fight Off Bad Breath Naturally

Bad breath or halitosis is an unpleasant odor felt from the mouth and it is a common health problem for 25 to 30 percent of the world population. The causes for unpleasant mouth odor are numerous, including poor dental hygiene, gum disease, dental cavities, inflammation, etc. Malnutrition, uncontrolled diabetes, and […]

Oil Pulling- A Habit Which Can Transform Your Health?!

Oil Pulling- A Habit Which Can Transform Your Health?!

Have you heard about oil pulling? Do you practice it regularly or not? If you do not, you are definitely missing out a lot! This is an ancient Ayurvedic natural cure for detoxification and it can significantly better your oral health. When you do oil pulling, you are using pure […]