Tag: overthinking

7 Things You Should Give Up To Be Truly Happy

Without doubt, throughout life, we are all searching for genuine happiness, but not everyone finds it. However, sometimes, we are unconsciously blocking happiness from our lives thanks to some of our choices and habits. Without doubt, life has its ups and downs and the trick is how you look at […]

Gardening-A Natural Antidepressant, a Study Shows

Study Shows That Gardening Is A Natural Antidepressant

Nowadays, the number of people suffering from depression is higher than ever before. These epidemic proportions seem terrifying, but it is good to know that researchers are doing their best to discover potential ways to minimise the negative impact of this mental health problem on our health and well-being. According […]

12 Ways Our Bodies Tell Us that We Are Stressed

12 Ways Our Bodies Tell Us that We Are Stressed

A lot of people use the wrong remedy to address their chronic ache and this is usually a result of not finding the underlying reason for their problem. Did you know that one of the most commonly-overlooked triggers of chronic ache is stress? Namely, as seen on The Hearty Soul, […]