Tag: physical health

Does Living in a City Really Mess with Our Mental Health?

How Living In A City Increases The Risk Of Mental Illness

Without doubt, cities are stimulating and vibrant places; however, their residents have mental diseases at higher rates than the gen population. For a long period of time, it has been known that the areas where we live and work influence our physical health and that we can be impacted negatively […]

This Is How Our Emotions Influence Our Health & Well-Being

This Is How Our Emotions Influence Our Health & Well-Being

Having a good emotional health means that one is aware of their feelings, attitudes, and thoughts. This person also has healthy methods of coping with the everyday challenges and stress in life. They also feel good about themselves and maintain healthy relationships with the people around them. But, not every […]

6 Major Ways Childhood Trauma Impacts Us during Adulthood

6 Major Ways Childhood Trauma Impacts Us during Adulthood

When it comes to trauma that has happened during the developmental period, it is more common than we may think. In fact, according to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 78 percent of children reported more than one traumatic situation prior to the age of 5. Adults with this type […]

The Amazing Health Benefits of Juice Fasting

The Amazing Health Benefits of Juice Fasting

When juice fasting is mentioned, people immediately associate it with loss of weight. However, fasting with juices is more about healing your body from the inside out and weight loss is just a result of this healing process. To help you learn why fasting with juices is essential, in this […]