Tag: toxins

Armpit Detox: Why You Need It & How to Perform It

Here Is Why You Need Armpit Detox And How To Do It

By detoxifying through the armpits, we can help our body remove buildup of toxins on the skin. Moreover, it can lower the sweat glands’ capacity and the unpleasant odor being secreted. According to some research, armpit cleanse may strengthen the immunity and lower the chance for cancer. Unfortunately, the store-bought […]

Apple & Honey Blend: It Removes all Waste from the Colon Fast

Apple-Honey Combo That Flushes Toxic Waste From Your Colon

You have probably heard and read a lot about the importance of keeping the health of the colon optimal. When we fail to keep our colon healthy, numerous digestive and other problems with the health can happen. Statistics, according to Valentin Bosioc, shows that more than 50 million individuals in […]

The Amazing Health Benefits of Juice Fasting

The Amazing Health Benefits of Juice Fasting

When juice fasting is mentioned, people immediately associate it with loss of weight. However, fasting with juices is more about healing your body from the inside out and weight loss is just a result of this healing process. To help you learn why fasting with juices is essential, in this […]