Leaky Gut: What Is it? Is it Real? 10 Common Symptoms to Watch out for

Leaky gut is a phenomenon which has caught quite the attention in these last couple of years, especially amongst natural health advocates.

Leaky gut or intestinal permeability is a digestive condition during which the toxins and bacteria can leak through the intestinal wall.

However; for mainstream medical professionals, this isn’t recognized as a real health problem. Still, there’s some scientific data showing that it could be real and that it has to do with certain health issues.

Leaky Gut Explained

Our digestive tract is where the food we eat is broken down and the nutrients are taken in.

Our digestion plays a major role in keeping our body safe from harmful substances. The intestinal walls serve as barriers and they control what goes into the blood and gets transported into the organs.

Gaps in the intestinal wall known as tight junctions can cause the passing through of water and nutrients and block harmful substance passage. The intestinal permeability refers to how these substances go through the wall.

When these junctions loosen, the gut’s permeability increases and bacteria and toxins can easily go from the gut into the blood.

When bacteria and toxins go into the blood, inflammation can occur. The supposed indicators of leaky gut are food sensitivities, tiredness, bloating, skin issues, and digestive troubles.

Despite medical professionals denying it, its proponents claim it’s a main cause for long list of health issues like MS, migraines, tiredness syndrome, food sensitivities, mood swings, and more.

10 Ways to Recognize Leaky Gut

  1. Chronic constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating
  2. Deficiencies
  3. Weak immunity
  4. Brain fog, headaches
  5. Fatigue
  6. Skin rashes and problems like acne, eczema
  7. High cravings for carbs and sugar
  8. Joint ache and arthritis
  9. Anxiety & depression
  10. Autoimmune illnesses

Can You Heal a Leaky Gut?

According to some experts, in order to heal this condition, we need to improve our diet and take out the foods that our body dislikes. Some nutritionists suggest giving up gluten, soy, dairy, refined sugar, alcohol, and caffeine.

This can help boost the energy levels, reduce diarrhea and bloating, and improve your sleep at night.

Plus, it’s important to add healing foods for the gut like coconut, olive oils, and fish, as well as avocados. Probiotics are also beneficial.

But, never do anything on your own-first, get checked out by your doctor and get tested for sensitivities. And, take into account that these symptoms may also indicate other health issues.
