More than one-third of the global population lives in drylands. In these areas, water shortages are significant. Therefore, a team of engineers and scientists from the University of Texas at Austin created a one-of-a-kind solution that may be of aid to the people from these areas by providing them with […]
Author: bestfolkmedicine
Purest Joy: Grandma Earns a College Degree at the Age of 84
Almost seven decades after she started college, this 84-year-old woman graduated from university and proved that it’s never too late to achieve our goals. Betty Sandison enrolled at the University of Minnesota some 67 years ago; however, she put a pause on her education due to getting married and life […]
Healthy & Nutritious Avocado Salad Dressing-Delicious Mayo Substitute (100% Vegan!)
It’s a creamy and tasty delight that makes an awesome and healthy salad dressing. It’s also ideal as a dip for chips and other snacks. The preparation is easy and everyone can make it. Let’s check out the recipe below. The Health Benefits of Avocado Mayo Avocados are good for […]
Artemisinin from Sweet Wormwood: A Promising Cancer Treatment Ingredient?
Artemisinin is a chemical compound from a traditional Chinese herb, Artemisia annua. Commonly known as sweet wormwood, this plant is claimed to offer certain benefits for the treatment of cancer. Research points out that artemisinin may be potent enough to impede tumor growth and metastasis. But, this is research done […]
New Hometown Heroes Housing Program Helps Teachers & First Responders in Florida Buy Their First Home
Governor Ron DeSantis announced the launch of the Hometown Heroes Housing Program during his visit to Cape Coral. This program will allow first responders and teachers to get assistance and buy their first homes. The program officially starts on the 1st of June, 2022. During a press conference, DeSantis said […]
Tasting Wine Stimulates Your Brain more than Math
Wine tasting seems to be more engaging for the brain than any other human behavior. Or, at least this is what findings of a US neuroscientist indicate. Yale neuroscientist, Gordon Shepherd, notes that from the first view of a wine bottle to its manipulation in the mouth and then the […]
Is the ProLon Diet a Good Option for You?- Benefits & Disadvantages
The ProLon Fasting-Mimicking Diet is a pre-packaged meal plan. It was developed after two decades of research done in Southern California and funded by the NIH. This 5-day fasting-mimicking diet is sold as a total meal plan by the creator Valter Longo, Ph.D. It’s a plant-based diet that is made […]
Why Is Exercising on a Trampoline a Good Choice for You: More Strength, Healthier Heart & Reduced Stress
If you want serious health improvements “covered” by fun and bouncy exercise, a trampoline is an ideal option for you! But, we’re not referring to the backyard trampolines for kids’ birthdays-these ones are actually linked to numerous injuries and should only be used with caution and supervision. The mini, indoor […]
Man Rescues a Starving Dog Alone on a Remote Island & Takes Him Home
While kayaking off the Belize coast, Wesley White spotted an animal moving near a fishing shack on one remote island. He approached the area and found out it was a starved dog. The dog was skin and bones, but a very friendly one, eager for company. He called out to […]
7-Year-Old with Incurable Condition Amazes Doctors: She’s Walking, Talking & on Top of Her Class
This little girl was diagnosed with blindness as a baby but she’s left doctors speechless after a full recovery. She regained her sight and healed herself of a condition of the brain that is considered life-long. Her mom took her to the Bristol Children’s Hospital for the first time in […]