On a yearly basis, the Environmental Working Group publishes a list with the 12 produce items with the highest level of pesticide residue of veggies and fruits tested by the USDA. Believe it or not, in 2017, 178 distinct types of pesticides were discovered in the tested products. And, 70 […]
Fruits & Veggies
This Ancient Technology Helps Keep Food Fresh Without Electricity
In hot climates, food cannot maintain its freshness for long. In fact, tomatoes will go off in two days and carrots and okra in four will be rotten. Hence, when we do not protect crops in the right way, we are losing produce. But, this does not have to happen […]
Kroger & Costco Recall Frozen Berries due to Hepatitis A Contamination
If you have bought frozen berries, make sure you check the brand and best-by dates! This is because the FDA ordered a recall in a selection of frozen berries from Costco and Kroger. The public health alert which the FDA released is warning customers that some berry products made by […]
Drink Coconut Water Every Day To Balance Blood Sugar Levels, Burn Fat And Much More
Nowadays, coconut water is one of the most popular drinks because it is delicious, refreshing, and healthy. It contains several crucial nutrients, including some minerals which most of us do not get in sufficient amounts. This clear liquid is found inside a green coconut or coconut which has not yet […]
Drinking Grapefruit Juice Reduces Hardening of the Arteries, Prevents Heart Diseases And Stroke
Even though it originates from Asia, grapefruit is nowadays cultivated and available worldwide, including the US, Brazil, and Israel. Besides being tasty and juicy, grapefruit is a potent natural remedy because of its antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, diuretic, and disinfectant properties. Plus, it contains a lot of beneficial nutrients and phytochemicals […]
Eat More Red Onions: They Help Prevent Heart Attacks, Lower Blood Sugar And Blood Pressure
Without doubt, onions are among the most popular veggies in the world. Though many dislike their pungent flavour, most people enjoy it and eat them on a regular basis. When talking about onions, we cannot forget to mention the fact that the red variety has twice the antioxidants as any […]
Mango May Improve Brain Health, Reduce Fat And Balance The Cholesterol
Abundant in proteins, minerals, and carbs, mangoes are definitely the juicy treat you need to eat regularly. Though it is available worldwide, China, India, Thailand, and the Philippines remain some of the largest producers of different types of mangoes. Whether you eat it on its own, combine it in smoothies […]
Cleansing Your Liver With Raisins: Traditional Russian Remedy
Did you know that raisins can help you detoxify your liver from toxins and help it function optimally? Namely, raisins are abundant in antioxidants that prevent the free radicals to cause damage on the liver. Moreover, as they contain a potent flavonoid known as quercetin, they can keep the liver […]
6 Potent Superfruits You Can Grow at Home
Nowadays, we hear and read a lot about superfoods, but do we know what they stand for? Though not scientifically defined, superfood is an adjective used to describe foods that are considered superior in terms of health to other foods and are abundant in nutrients and consequently, good for our […]
How To Use Lemon Peel As A Natural Medicine
Most people are aware that lemons have a lot of health benefits to offer; however, little do they know that the peel is also highly nutritious and can be your best ally in fighting off numerous health issues. Whether to help improve the quality of your skin or help clean […]