Grandma’s Remedies

The Best Natural Ways to Alleviate Herpes Symptoms

The Best Natural Ways to Alleviate Herpes Symptoms

Herpes is one of the most common STDs and this virus can stay dormant inside one’s immunity for a lifetime. Periodically, it can trigger blisters which burst and form cold sores or ulcers before they heal. When not treated, the sores will usually last for a week or two. They […]

DIY Magnesium Gummies: Alleviate Stress & Anxiety

DIY Magnesium Gummies: Alleviate Stress & Anxiety

Unfortunately, millions of people worldwide are having problems with insomnia, stress or anxiety. In most cases, to alleviate these health issues, they reach for over-the-counter pills. However, these pills come with unwanted side effects and are of no help in the long run. They merely suppress the symptoms and may […]