Nowadays,knowing the numerous side effects of over-the-counter meds, people often choose to go with a more natural approach. This includes different herbs, spices,fruits, veggies, foods, etc. When it comes to natural remedies, in today’s article,we will talk about basil- a powerful healing herb used since ancient times. Basil is an […]
Plants & Herbs
Cardamom: Its Outstanding Health Benefits Will Change Your Life for Good
If you have not been including it to your diet by now, you have been missing a lot! This wonderful aromatic seed pod is commonly used in Indian dishes because of its unique smell and sweet flavor. According to Clean Food House, this is the third most expensive spice in […]
10 Fat-Burning Plant Foods: Richer in Protein than Eggs!
Protein,the celebrity among macronutrients, is essential in our body for a long list of processes. Often times, when we think about protein, we usually associate it with animal products; however, it is important to know that there are a lot of plant-based foods that are full of this amazing nutrient. […]
Elderberry Beats The Flu, Prevents Colds, And Strengthens Your Immunity
Elderberries are one of the most powerful herbs in the world and a lot of experts agree. It has the capacity to treat the flu efficiently and quickly, among the other health benefits it has to offer. Black elderberry extract, according to Clean Food House, is more powerful than the […]
Fight Off 7 Different Diseases With This Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric & Coconut Soup
If you want to nourish both your body and soul, you will need this turmeric and coconut soup in your life. Delicious and healthy, this soup is the right choice when you are not feeling well or you are tired. It will give you the needed boost and help you […]
2 Handfuls of Cashew: The Potential Equivalent of Prozac?
Unfortunately, as seen on David Wolfe, 6.7 percent of Americans or 14.8 million people older than 18 will suffer from a depressive disorder this year. In order to treat this mental health problem, most of these people will be prescribed over-the-counter meds, such as Prozac, by their doctors. However, these […]
Just Use 2 Ingredients To Empty All The Deposits Of Fats And Parasites Of The Body!
As seen on Step To Health, you only need two simple, yet powerful ingredient to expel all fat and parasite deposits from the body. The process of burning surplus body fat is known to be influenced by other energy reserves known as glycogen, i.e. carbs and protein, i.e. muscle. To […]
Pineapple & Cucumber Juice: Cleanses the Colon & Helps Lose Weight in 7 Days
As a result of the excessive intake of junk, processed, and fried foods and because of our exposure to toxins from the air and chemical products (as well as due to the stress) we are at a higher risk of numerous health-related complications. This includes more serious diseases such as […]
9 Foods to Stimulate the Liver to Remove Toxins Fast
In today’s world, we are surrounded by toxins and chemicals from all sides-whether from the foods we eat or the air we breathe- these toxins are making us sick and prone to pain, inflammation, and illnesses. T his is why it is essential to perform external detoxifications that will help […]
Top 7 Foods That Flush Mucus From Your Body
Mucus is a slimy substance that is created in excessive amounts when we are suffering from a cold or the flu and experiencing coughing or a clogged nose. Normal amounts of mucus are always present in the body and this substance is essential for the bodily functions because it hydrates […]