Without doubt, dogs are one of the most loyal creatures in the world. Their amazing affection is always amazing and they will always put their owners first. Their loyalty is indeed one of the strongest things and dogs can really suffer when they lose their owners. You can see their […]
Are You Annoyed by Chewing Sounds? You may Be a Creative Genius
If you want to crawl inside a hole when someone next to you is chewing or slurping, you may have a condition known as misophonia- a heightened sensitivity to some noises. Even though being part of the unlucky 20 percent of individuals with this condition may not seem appealing, there […]
Microsoft Implements 4-Day Work Week in Japan-Productivity Increases 40 Percent
Nowadays, more and more smaller companies are trying out a 4-day work week. And, Microsoft is one of them- a recent trial they made suggests that this model may work for big businesses as well. This summer, in their quarters in Japan, the company implemented the Work Life Choice Challenge […]
Shocking Images Show the Black Lungs of 52-Year-Old Smoker Who Smoked a Pack Daily for 30 Years
On this shocking footage, you can see the blackened lungs of a chain smoker who smoked a pack of cigarettes per day for 30 years. Rather than a healthy pinkish color, the lungs are charcoal and inflamed from 3 decades of tobacco clogging them up. The lungs of the 52-year-old […]
Largest Milk Producer in the US Files for Bankruptcy: Cow Milk Is Unhealthy & Inhumane
Dean Foods, the largest milk company in the US, has filed for bankruptcy. This is because there’s been a decline in the US consumption of cow milk. More and more companies that offer dairy-free milk have been overtaking the market. In fact, oat milk has contributed to $52 million in […]
Windowless Planes: Would You Fly in a Plane with a Panoramic View of the Sky?
Even though it may seem like the worst nightmare for a claustrophobic person, this new design from a Dubai-based airline Emirates eliminates windows from planes entirely. Rather than real-life view of the sky and clouds, the passengers will be able to look through virtual windows and to look at projections […]
Ex-Navy Engineer Builds a Car Battery which Can Go for 1,500 Miles without Charging
Imagine if you could drive your eco-friendly car for 1,500 miles without stopping for recharge thanks to this innovative car battery? This distance is more than 4 times as far as the best and most expensive model of an eco-friendly car can currently go without being charged. The innovative battery […]
Boy With Autism Becomes The Youngest To Attend Oxford University At Age 6
Indeed, Joshua Beckford was never the usual child. At the age of two, he was already fluently reading and was even speaking Japanese by the age of three. When he was 6 years old, he was the youngest person in the world to attend the classes of Philosophy and History […]
California Is First State which Bans Fur Production & Distribution
California is officially the first state to prohibit fur production and distribution. The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, signed two animal rights bills into laws- one for the ban on fur, but also a bill that will make California the third state barring most animals from circus performances. According to […]
Leaked Video Shows Monkeys, Dogs, Cats Being Tortured In Pharma Testing Lab
A laboratory from Germany is currently under investigation for its terrible treatment of animals after a secretly-shot video by animal activists went viral. On the video, monkeys are seen being roughly handled by technicians and subjected to disastrous toxicology tests whereas dogs are seen lying in cages full of blood. […]