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Purple Potatoes: 5 Amazing Reasons to Start Eating Them Today

Purple Potatoes: 5 Amazing Reasons to Start Eating Them Today

Without doubt, purple potatoes are considered the gem at the potato aisle. Like many other of its relatives, they’re native to the Andes Mountains in South America. Their outer skin is blue-purple to almost black. And, the inside flesh has an impressive purple color, even after it’s cooked. Some of […]

This Is why Toxic People NEVER Admit they’re Wrong

This Is why Toxic People NEVER Admit they’re Wrong

Toxic people aren’t that hard to spot- they use words as weapons and if you pay attention to what and how they say, you can find out who they really are. These people act differently when they’re alone and when they’re in public. They often talk about others behind their […]

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Probiotics

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Probiotics

Nowadays, we hear so much about probiotics and that they’re good for us, but do we know why? Probiotics are actually live microorganisms which can be acquired through certain foods or supplements. A rising number of studies indicate that the bacterial imbalance in our digestive system is associated with our […]