As seen from a Twitter viral video, a mother who was unidentified completely ‘lost it’ when taking her children to school in the morning and started driving off; she realized she was driving to the school, but without the children in the back! The video which was shared on Twitter […]
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This Guy Set Up a Dog Walking Group & so Men Can Talk Openly about Their Struggles
Rob Osman, 38 years old, lives in Bristol, England and he didn’t have an easy life. He’s been dealing with depression and anxiety for most of his life. At one point, he lived in his sister’s basement without windows and was smoking too much weed to care. However, one day, […]
An Antarctica Heat Wave Melted 20 % of the Snow in 9 Days
Earlier this month, a heat wave melted the northern tip of Antarctica in only 9 days. The NASA images show that almost ¼ of the snow cover on the island was gone, a common sign of the ongoing climate crisis. By the end of the heat wave that lasted 9 […]
Pregnant Dog Shot 17 Times Has Qualified As A Therapy Dog
Shocking, sad, and horrifying-this amazing dog was shot a total of 17 times before she was abandoned on the streets. Today, the sweet dog named Maggie is a certified therapy dog. The 5-year-old Maggie was found in Lebanon with her eyes shot out, one of the ears cut off, and […]
Iconic Bald Eagles Continue Dying because of Lead Poisoning, Why Is no One Talking about this Problem?
Bald eagles throughout the US are dying as a result of lead bullets, but not because someone is intentionally shooting them. According to the largest eagle rehab center in North Carolina, the Cape Fear Raptor, seven eagles in the past month have been treated for lead poisoning. As of November […]
These Two Elderly Women Are Living the Lives of their Dreams in this Cozy Homes in the Forest
Even though it looks a lot like it’s a part of the Shire from the Lord of the Rings, this enchanting fairy-like home is real- it’s located in Japan and it’s named Jikka. This cozy home consists of 5 small hut-like structures which are all joined together to form one […]
Psychedelic Honey Exists, but It’s only Made by these Bees
The locals of India, Nepal, and China risk their lives to get the golden liquid which drips from specific hives that are located deep in the forest of the Himalayas at high altitudes. This honey is so special that many refer to it as the ‘mad honey’ because of its […]
Eat More Beets: They Boost Recovery, Fight Inflammation, Support Liver Detox And Help Lower Blood Pressure
Beetroot, also known as beet, is a veggie from the Chenopodiaceae family and one of the Beta vulgaris specie variety. This dark red, almost violet veggie, which is regularly consumed in soups, stews, salads, etc. They’re available throughout the whole year and can be consumed daily; however, many consider them […]
This Girl Beat Cancer Twice in Her Youth-After 20 Years, She Returns to the Hospital as a Nurse
Cancer is bad and everyone knows it. And, Montana Brown, who’s now 24-years-old, is well aware of this, having been diagnosed with a rare type of cancer of the connective tissue, twice and beating it, twice. At only 2 years, her parents were shocked after they took her to the […]