How many times have you heard someone saying to you’ one day, it will all just click’ and wondered when will this finally happen in your life? Many people often laugh when they hear this saying as they don’t believe there will ever be a day when everything will magically […]
Recent Posts
Are Dogs Really Our Best Friends?
If you never loved a dog, then you’re definitely missing out on a lot of love. And, if you’ve never been loved by a dog, you’re missing out on so much more. When it comes to dogs, we often hear them being called ‘man’s best friend’. And, to some extent, […]
Spinach and Feta Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust
Ladies and gents, if you’re searching for a meal that tastes as amazing as it looks, you’ve come to the right place. This spinach and feta quiche is a lighter take on the classic dish and uses healthy sweet potatoes instead of the traditional buttery crust. Thanks to the low-fat […]
Adidas Made a Football Field Using 1.8 Million Recycled Plastic Bottles
Adidas has used around 1.8 million plastic bottles in the making of a sustainable football field. A typical football field uses virgin plastics and re-ground rubber, but this one is much better for the environment. According to VP of global brand strategy for the company, James Carnes, this sustainable field […]
Not all Storms Come to Disrupt Our Lives, Some Come to Clear Our Path
The only things that are certain in our lives are unpredictability and death. And, when it comes to bad things, they tend to happen when we least expect them. However, often times, we forget to focus on what the bad experience has taught us and what it helped us realize. […]
A Negative Mind Will Never Give You A Positive Life
There are so many quotes that are a real inspiration for us, but the latest one that we’re amazed by is ‘a negative mind will never give you a positive life’. It really hit us and it motivated us to learn how to stop negative thinking because this doesn’t make […]
10 Amazing Reasons Why the Japanese Education System Is One of the Best in the World
When talking about Japan and the Japanese people, we often associate them with words like politeness, intelligence, and health. However, what’s the thing which makes Japanese people so different from the rest of the world? One good guess may be their amazing education system which is also one of the […]
According to a Study, Dogs Obey Women more than Men
According to a study, dogs are women’s best friends. Namely, a recent study concluded that dogs tend to listen to women more than they listen to men. Women appear to be better in the communication with dogs and are more likely to understand what their furry besties are trying to […]
Trump Administration Announced a Reversal of the School Food Reforms of Michelle Obama
The administration of current president of US, Donald Trump, has put forward new rules for school lunches that critics claim will open up more space for burgers, French fries, and pizzas rather than veggies and fruits and other healthier food options. This is a cut to the former first lady’s […]
If You Love to Sit Cross-Legged, this Is the Ideal Chair for You
Soul Seat is a company from the US which has recently launched the ideal chair for people who love to sit in front of a desk with their legs crossed. The chair has a platform and a perch and allows the person to sit comfortably while their legs are crossed. […]