Of course, a quality mountain or forest hike can really cleanse our body and mind and science is also pro-hiking because it can change the brain for better! In addition to offering an instant emotion of calm and satisfaction, time spend outdoors and hiking can reduce overthinking and fight off […]
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Keep Lavender in Your Bedroom: It Helps Improve Sleep, Lower Anxiety & Depression
Did you know that a lot of people today are struggling with insomnia? They toss and turn for hours in bed without being able to get a good night’s sleep. As a result, they feel tired in the morning, low on energy, and cannot get through with their chores. People […]
How to Make Your Own Non-Toxic And All-Natural Deodorant
Unfortunately, most of the commercial deodorants and antiperspirants are full of chemicals and are additionally causing problems with the skin and may even trigger hormonal imbalances. This being said, a lot of people today are switching from commercial to homemade and natural deodorants. However, this is not always an easy […]
Women Are Going Crazy about it: Homemade Coffee Scrub that Removes Cellulite
Believe it or not, cellulite is a problem in around 80 to 90 percent of all women? Consequently, one of the most googled questions on google is how to lower it. However, getting rid of cellulite is not so easy and straightforward as it is a rather complex skin problem […]
All-Natural DIY Eczema Cream Made from Essential Oils
Believe it or not, eczema, a skin condition, is a problem for around 35 million Americans! Eczema can be of different types and caused by numerous reasons; however, there are some common symptoms it is manifested through. Some of them include itchy and dry skin, sensitive skin, crusting of the […]
Time for Spring Cleaning: The 5 most Popular Cleaning Tricks You Need to Know
Without doubt, if we want to have a clean and healthy home, we need to clean it regularly, right? As we are entering April, many of us are preparing for spring cleaning, that is, thoroughly cleaning our homes and leaving them spotless. But, when it comes to cleaning, not everyone […]
5 Major Anxiety Causes: You Are Probably Doing Them Right Now!
Without doubt, anxiety has ways of sneaking up on us in moments when we least expect it. It causes nausea and lightheadedness and even panic attacks. Of course, if you anxiety is part of your life, you have probably identified the most common triggers for you and have been trying […]
Learn How to Remove Keloids & Scars Naturally & Quickly
Even though scars and keloids are not life-threatening, they can diminish our self-confidence and make us feel embarrassed, especially if they are in visible parts of the body. This being said, it is good to know that there are natural ways to heal them without additionally poisoning your skin and […]
Unique DIY Scar Removal Cream: Removes Scars Long-Term within 2 Weeks
Unfortunately, scars can be quite the severe cosmetic problem, depending on how deep they are. Though they are usually painless, they can affect one’s self-confidence. Of course, there are a lot of store-bought creams and ointments that promise to magically remove these scars; however, they do not always provide the […]
Lemon & Baking Soda DIY Facial Mask: Get Rid of Dark Circles & Acne Permanently
Without doubt, baking soda is one of the most versatile ingredients today. Whether for cooking, cleaning or skin care, baking soda is there to help us! When it comes to skin care, baking soda can really boost your skin quality and help you fight off numerous different skin issues, from […]