As most of you may already know, refined sugar is one of the most addictive substances in the world and according to studies; it has same effects on the brain as dangerous drugs like heroin. Even though it can be challenging, giving up refined sugar is pivotal for a good […]
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Get Rid of Acne and Pimples, Alleviate Sunburn and Improve Complexion With This Homemade Skin Care Product!
Nowadays, though there is an abundance of store-bought skin care products that we use on a daily basis, little do we know that they can be harmful to our health and well-being because they are filled with dangerous chemicals, toxins, and artificial colors. Believe it or not, the average beauty […]
A tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar for 60 Days can Eliminate these Health Problems
Everyone who is reading this article probably knows at least two health advantages of apple cider vinegar since there has been a lot of talk on this topic lately. And, what’s more, ongoing studies are backing up numerous claimed healing properties of this liquid. In addition to being one of […]
Doing this Exercise 3 Times a Week Will Improve Your Posture in no Time
Nowadays, a lot of people have problems with poor posture because we are living in a world which is full of activities causing it. Poor posture, also known as postural dysfunction, develops when the spine is being placed in unnatural positions for a prolonged period of time. Most Common Causes […]
Seafood Farmed in Asia Is full of Pig Feces And Antibiotics!
Without doubt, shrimps (the wild-caught varieties only) are considered to be a very nutritious food because they are low on fat and abundant in protein. They are abundant in pivotal nutrients for the overall health like vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids. However, this is not the case with farmed […]
Cancer Dies When You Eat These 7 Foods. Time To Start Eating Them!
As noted on The Science of Eating, recent medical research concluded that there are seven specific foods and drinks that are highly beneficial in the fight against cancer due to having powerful cancer-suppressing characteristics. They are also considered to be more potent than chemotherapy; what’s more, they are among the […]
What Happens To Your Body One Hour After Drinking A Can Of Coke
These days, an infographic about the impact of Coca Cola an hour after being consumed is trending on the internet and social media. The post is consisted of information about the minute-by-minute effects taking place in the body upon the entering of fizzy drinks in the human body. The infographic […]
Cupping Therapy can Reduce Pain, Boost the Immunity & Improve the Digestion
Cupping therapy is an alternative therapeutic method which has been popular and common in China since approximately 1000 B.C. According to Draxe, variations of cupping practices might actually be much older and date as far back as 3000 B.C. With certainty, this therapy has a long list of advantages for […]
12 Things that Happen to Your Body when You Eat Eggs
According to nutritionists, eggs are a pivotal part of a healthy diet because of their amazing nutritive properties. Namely, they are abundant in proteins, iron, antioxidants, as well as amino acids. They make the ideal breakfast for athletes and people who want or need to gain muscles. The yolk is […]
7 Popular Food Combos That Can Damage Your Health
Did you know that there are a lot of well-known food combinations which a lot of us enjoy eating on a daily basis without actually knowing how bad they can be for our health? Therefore, this article focuses on showing which food combinations are not good for you and why […]