Tag: bloating

This Drink Will Help Your Stomach Fat to Disappear

This Drink Will Help Your Stomach Fat to Disappear

With certainty, no one likes having a prominent belly and we therefore try out all kinds of diets, natural remedies, drinks, etc. to try and shrink it and look and feel better. If you are also searching for a belly-shrinking method that will actually work this time, you should look […]

How to Get Rid of Bloating: 9 Strategies Backed by Science

How to Get Rid of Bloating: 9 Strategies Backed by Science

If you have experienced bloating at least once in your lifetime, especially after a meal, you probably know that it can be quite uncomfortable. Research indicates that 10 to 25 percent of healthy individuals commonly have problems with bloating, but most of them do nothing about this health problem. Moreover, […]

6 Signs Your Appendix Is about to Burst

6 Signs Your Appendix Is about to Burst

Appendicitis happens when the worm-shaped pouch which is attached to the large intestine (appendix), becomes inflamed. This is a life-threatening condition if the inflammation is left untreated and the appendix bursts as a result. If it bursts or perforates, the appendix will leak infectious waste into the abdomen and trigger […]