Tag: healthy body

The Amazing Health Benefits of Juice Fasting

The Amazing Health Benefits of Juice Fasting

When juice fasting is mentioned, people immediately associate it with loss of weight. However, fasting with juices is more about healing your body from the inside out and weight loss is just a result of this healing process. To help you learn why fasting with juices is essential, in this […]

7 Easy & Powerful Exercise to Strengthen & Stretch Your Back

7 Easy & Powerful Exercise to Strengthen & Stretch Your Back

Taking into account the size and importance of the back, we also need to strengthen and stretch it properly, especially as we age. However, what may be more challenging is finding the right back exercises and perform them properly without causing any injuries or other complications. This being said, Providr […]

6 Simple Things that Will Help You Be more Positive

6 Simple Things that Will Help You Be more Positive

The great Lao Tzu once said, “Watch your character; it becomes your destiny” and many will agree that this is not far from the truth. The views we have on life often shape our destiny; so, we can always try and better our perspective and thus, lead a more positive […]

Do You Know Your Biological Age?

Do You Know Your Biological Age?

When people ask you how old are you, normally, you give them your age in years, right? However, what if we told you that you can figure out your actual age, i.e. how old your body is your biological age with the help of one simple method? Often times, as […]