Heart health is essential for overall well-being, and while exercise, stress management, and sleep play crucial roles, what you eat holds significant sway over your cardiovascular system. Diets high in certain foods can increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and cholesterol issues. Cardiologists often emphasize avoiding or […]
Tag: heart disease
DIY Elderberry Syrup & 5 Awesome Reasons Why You Need a Spoon of it Every Day
Elderberries have long been used and praised for their amazing healing properties. During the Middle Ages, elderberry was considered a Holy Tree because it was claimed to encourage longevity and boost the overall health. Certain evidence also points out that it may have been cultivated by the prehistoric man and […]
Top 10 Foods to Lower High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most common, preventable risk factors for cardiovascular illness. More than a billion people worldwide suffer from it. It’s defined as a systolic blood pressure at the value of 130 mm Hg or more and a diastolic one of more than 80 […]
Top 10 Foods to Lower Cholesterol
Heart illness is one of the leading causes of death globally. With high levels of bad cholesterol, the risk of heart disease elevates. And, having low levels of good cholesterol and high triglycerides are also associated with increased risk of cardiovascular problems. But, the good news is that your diet […]
Research Finds a Link between Deep Forehead Wrinkles & Heart Illness
Research points out that the deep wrinkles on one’s forehead may be a sign of person’s risk of atherosclerosis-a type of cardiovascular condition which can lead to stroke or heart illness. Atherosclerosis is characterized by buildup of plaque in the arteries which diminishes their elasticity and makes them narrower. Consequently, […]
Top 6 Health Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water
In the last couple of years, coconut water has become one of the most popular drinks in the world. Indeed, it’s very refreshing, tasty, and healthy. Being rich in vital nutrients, it can be a really good drink to add to your diet. Abundant in vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, it […]
The 5 Best Proven Health Benefits of MCT Oil
MCT oil is a popular supplement which is usually added to salad dressings, smoothies, and coffees. MCT stands for medium-chain triglyceride and this oil is comprised of medium-length fat chains known as triglycerides. Because of their shorter length, they’re easier for digestion and their processing in the body offers numerous […]
Moringa Oleifera – One Of The Most Nutritious Plants Ever Discovered
Are you familiar with moringa? Do you know that this plant is abundant in important nutrients like vitamins A and C and amazing minerals? This plant, which is also known as moringa oleifera, is native to Pakistan, Nepal, and India. Frequently used in juices, smoothies, and other drinks, this is […]
How To Use Lemon Peel As A Natural Medicine
Most people are aware that lemons have a lot of health benefits to offer; however, little do they know that the peel is also highly nutritious and can be your best ally in fighting off numerous health issues. Whether to help improve the quality of your skin or help clean […]
Turmeric Lentil Soup That Will Protect You From Obesity, Heart Disease, and Type 2 Diabetes
Do you agree that there is nothing more soothing and nourishing than a delicious warm bowl of soup on a cold and rainy day? But, this is never the case with canned soup! We are referring to the real stuff, i.e. homemade soup with natural ingredients you have put in. […]