Tag: high blood pressure

How to Lower Blood Pressure without Meds & their Side Effects

How to Lower Blood Pressure without Meds & their Side Effects

Have you been diagnosed with hypertension, i.e. high blood pressure? Has your doctor prescribed over-the-counter medications to help balance your blood pressure? If your answer to these questions is a yes, you should definitely continue reading the article to learn how to fight off high blood pressure naturally without having […]

Reading the New Blood Pressure Guidelines

Reading the New Blood Pressure Guidelines

The Conversation explain that the updated guidelines for blood pressure from the American Heart Association have increased the number of Americans diagnosed with hypertension, mostly older individuals. Even though this may sound as negative, the new guidelines show what cardiologists and researchers on heart health have learned from latest studies, […]

5 Reasons Dehydration Is Making You Sick & Fat

5 Reasons Dehydration Is Making You Sick And Fat

The negative effects of not drinking sufficient amounts of water, as explained on The Mind Unleashed, include problems with the skin, kidneys, and bladder, tiredness, and headaches. Hence, it is high time that people realize how vital is to drink enough water throughout the day. With certainty, water is important […]

10 Foods that Can Naturally Unclog Arteries

10 Foods That Unclog Arteries Naturally

When the arteries become filled with arterial plaque, they clog and the brain, heart, lungs, and muscles, as well as other important organs, cannot function 100 percent. Namely, clogged arteries avert the blood vessels from transporting the necessary oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the other body parts. If […]

The Best Medicine against Cholesterol & High Blood Pressure

The Best Medicine against Cholesterol & High Blood Pressure

Nowadays, the number of people suffering from high blood pressure and bad cholesterol is on the rise worldwide, not just in the U.S. Hence, it is of pivotal importance to address these health problems timely in order to decrease our risk of heart-related illnesses. When it comes to treatment, conventional […]

What Is the Normal Blood Pressure for Your Age?

What Is the Normal Blood Pressure for Your Age?

As you may already know, and as explained on Healthiack, blood pressure is an essential indicator of our health. One’s blood pressure can be low, normal, or high. Nowadays, unfortunately, hypertension or chronic high blood pressure has become a problem for a large part of the world population. Believe it […]