Grandma’s Remedies

Top 10 Natural Antibiotics And Their Health Benefits

As noted on Medical News Today, some natural substances are known to possess antibacterial characteristics, but, do we know which ones are safe for use and when should we should use them? Although conventional antibiotics like penicillin have helped with numerous illnesses and conditions since than 40s, nowadays, people are […]

Why Fermented Beets Are one of the Best Things You Can Eat daily

Without doubt, eating more beets can be highly beneficial for your overall health because they are abundant in powerful nutrients. Namely, they have polyphenols and betalains, antioxidants that can fight off heart disease, cancer, and birth defects. The betaine which they contain can better the functioning of the liver and […]

What Happens To Your Lungs When You Diffuse Essential Oils

Asthma is an illness characterized by an inflammation of the airways which supply the lungs with air. When the airways are inflamed, they become much more sensitive and the breathing becomes more difficult. Some of the major asthma signs are problems with the breathing, coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness. Although […]

The Wet Sock Treatment: A Natural Remedy for Colds & Flu

According to Jamey Wallace, ND, Clinical Medical Director at Bastyr Center for Natural Health, the wet sock treatment is a very powerful one. He claims that this therapy has the power to enhance the blood flow and strengthen the immunity.  When you the immune system is strong, the risk of […]