Healthy Tips

Shocking Ultrasound Pictures of Pregnant Smokers

Shocking Ultrasound Pictures of Pregnant Smokers

According to Parents, smoking, as we all know, is a definite no for the health of the baby and doctors constantly urge mothers not to smoke during pregnancy if they want to preserve the health of their babies. A new study is now showing the adverse effects that smoking has […]

Top 10 Natural Antibiotics And Their Health Benefits

As noted on Medical News Today, some natural substances are known to possess antibacterial characteristics, but, do we know which ones are safe for use and when should we should use them? Although conventional antibiotics like penicillin have helped with numerous illnesses and conditions since than 40s, nowadays, people are […]

6 Plants other than Cannabis that are High in Cannabinoids

6 Plants other than Cannabis that are High in Cannabinoids

As pointed out on Waking Times, cannabis is not the only plant with beneficial cannabinoids, even though it has practically started the research on the therapeutic properties of its compounds. But, cannabis is not the sole plant with one-of-a-kind properties; in fact, there are specific other plants which also contain […]

10 Common Diseases Associated with Vitamin D Deficiency

10 Common Diseases Associated with Vitamin D Deficiency

As emphasized on Everyday Health, the advantages of vitamin D include healthier bones and better health. But, what happens when we start lacking this vitamin? Before we find out, let us learn more information about vitamin D and its role in our health. The Importance of Vitamin D The major […]