Thailand announced a ban on sunscreens with chemicals that are claimed to be destroying the corals. Growing concerns indicate that the lotions used by tourists for sun protection are actually destroying the slow-growing corals. The Thai Department of Conservation emphasizes four ingredients present in sunscreen creams and lotions that […]
Healthy Tips
Depressing Math: 3 Americans Make Enough Carbon Emissions to Kill 1 Person
Unfortunately, the lifestyles of around three average American citizens make enough carbon emissions that can kill one person. What’s more, the emissions from one coal-fired power plant will likely result in more than 900 deaths, found the first analysis that calculated the mortal cost of CO2 emissions. This new research […]
5 Awesome Nutrients to Boost Your Oxygen Uptake: Your Blood Cells will Love it!
In order for the body to be able to make the energy that we need to stay alive and healthy, our cells need to continuously take in oxygen. This process is highly dependent on an adequate intake of nutrients. Unfortunately, being deficient in important nutrients can weaken oxygenation and consequently […]
Top 10 Spices & Herbs to Unclog Your Arteries & Prevent a Heart Attack
Atherosclerosis happens when fatty deposits accumulate along the arterial walls. This is also known as clogged or hardened arteries. This condition makes the arteries narrower and diminishes the blood flow to the heart and other parts of the body. Unfortunately, atherosclerosis is one of the major reasons for heart illness […]
Liver Detox: just 1 Glass per Day to Support Your Liver Cleanse Naturally
Our liver is working 24/7 and it has numerous roles-from filtering toxins from the blood to balancing macronutrients and micronutrients and encouraging hormone regulation. And, most of the time, we don’t even know it’s working at all. To protect this important organ and lower your risk of liver illness, opt […]
Top 10 Herbs for Your Nerves (Calm Your Nervous System Naturally)
Thanks to these top 10 herbs for your nerves, you’ll be able to fight off chronic inflammation and body toxicity naturally and help your nervous system perform optimally! Our nervous system needs to be in a top-notch form: it controls the body and the output of a nerve impulse which […]
How to Make Your DIY Rosemary Sage Smudge Sticks for Proper Cleanse & Blessings
Smudge sticks originate from Native American culture. Native Americans smudge on a regular basis, both in ceremonies and at home as a blessing and cleansing for the space and the people in it. Smudge sticks are made of dried sage in most cases; however, you can also prep them with […]
Homemade Melatonin Gummies for a Regular & Restful Sleep
Regular and healthy sleep is pivotal for the overall health and wellness of a person. However, not all people are getting the sleep they need. In fact, a study by the CDC found that more than one in three American adults aren’t getting enough hours of sleep. Insufficient sleep stresses […]
The Ultimate Flea Powder: It Kills Fleas, Ticks & Mosquitoes Fast
Seeing fleas and ticks on your pets can really get on your nerves and harm not just them, but also you and your family! Tick and flea bites are also possible in homes and they can be really uncomfortable. This being said, we need to protect our dogs and cats […]
The Venom from an Extremely Poisonous Caterpillar may Hold the Healing Tonic that Saves Lives
Scientists believe that a healing tonic made from the venom of this small caterpillar from southeast Queensland could be the key to the treatment of nervous system disorders like epilepsy. This caterpillar (Doratifera vulnerans) is from the species of the nettle caterpillar and has been used in the groundbreaking studies […]