Did you know that people are giving more than $100 to spend 90 minutes playing, brushing, and cuddling with cows? This new wellness trend, known as cow cuddling, is the newest addition to animal holistic health offers, such as goat yoga. Some of you who were raised on farms and […]
Healthy Tips
This Woman Was Bedridden for 35 Years due to Toxic Black Mold
Unfortunately, this woman was constantly sick and in and out of bed for 35 years as a result of toxic black mold. The 37-year-old Dana Anhalt suffered from excessive pain and allergies and was diagnosed with some serious illnesses, but without any suspicion about the underlying reasons. Namely, the York […]
Public Punching Bags Installed On Manhattan Streets To Help People Vent Their Frustrations
A design studio from the US has placed several public punching bags throughout Manhattan to help New Yorkers release stress publically and motivate them to look for healthier stress management techniques. This initiative of the Don’t Take This the Wrong Way group that is based in Savannah, Georgia is also […]
According to a Study, Our Memories of Music Can’t Be Lost due to Dementia
The brain section in charge of ASMRs appears to be “immune” to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Some music moves our feet, other music inspires us to change the world, and other music moves our soul. When we listen to music we love, our brain does something which is known as ASMR […]
Dentists Advise: These 7 Habits Damage Our Teeth & Gums
Without doubt, if we want a good overall health, we also need to pay attention to our oral health, that is, the state of our teeth and gums. Poor oral health care contributes to bacteria accumulation, especially around the gum lines, which is the ideal surrounding for bacteria. In order […]
Scientists Discovered an Edible Mushroom That Eats Plastic
Unfortunately, the estimated 250 million tons of waste thrown out every year into the landfills of America is destroying our earth. Even though a straw ban helps reduce plastic use and waste, it doesn’t solve this huge problem. This is why environmentalists and scientists worldwide are searching for methods that […]
DIY Anti-Inflammatory Honey & Turmeric Tonic + 2 Amazing Master Tonic Recipes
Before we go on to show you the recipe for this amazing anti-inflammatory and healing honey and turmeric tonic, it is important to explain what a tonic actually is. Namely, this is a substance which is consumed to provide a feeling of vigor and induce well-being. This tonic with turmeric […]
How To Make Smudge Sticks That Eliminate Negative Energy And Stress From Any Space
According to feng shui, smudging can help better the energy flow in your home/office. Burning sage or smudging is considered to be a method that helps you cleanse the air in the space and feel better. This practice is popular in feng shui and Native American traditions as a means […]
Could this Vitamin Help You Be Mosquito-Free all Summer? Let’s Find Out Together!
Though most of us can freely say that summer is the best and our favourite season because it is full of beach time, barbecues with family and friends, afternoon parties in the patio, and outdoor games, not everything about it is perfect, especially when it comes to insect bites! In […]
Olive Oil Scam: These Olive Oil Brands Failed Tests
According to reliable reports, 80 percent of the Italian olive oil sold on the market is probably not organic and natural as advertised. Though some think this percentage is exaggerated, others believe that the bigger issue is the poor olive oil quality being mislabeled as virgin or extra virgin. Be […]