One thing is for sure- we have all experienced those unpleasant nights of constant tossing and turning and staring at the ceiling, unable to get a good night’s sleep. And, the more we worry that we are not sleeping, the more does our mind work and soon, the sun is […]
Healthy Tips
Turmeric Lemonade: Treats Depression better than Prozac
Did you know that the number of individuals suffering from depression is on the rise? This mental health disorder is manifested by symptoms like low mood, low energy, and self-loathing, changes in weight and appetite, and feelings of hopelessness, among other symptoms. When left untreated, depression may become life-threatening. In […]
Top 5 Natural Antibiotics That Are More Effective Than Over-the-Counter Meds!
Did you know that 1 in 10 people experience side effects in the digestive system after using antibiotics, according to the NHS? Moreover, approximately 1 in 15 people are allergic to this specific medication. Nowadays, the use of antibiotics is higher than ever and it has caused the development of […]
St. John’s Wort: Relieves Anxiety & Depression Naturally
Have you ever taken Xanax or Valium to calm down and sleep better? Did you felt hung over or woozy the following day? According to a study published in the BMJ Journal, the use of benzodiazepine may contribute to dementia. During the study, the risk of Alzheimer’s was higher in […]
Clean Internal Parasites Naturally: 2 Potent Ingredients that Detox the Body & Remove Fat Deposits
Did you know that your intestinal tract can be infected by numerous different parasites? Moreover, in the last couple of years, parasitic infections have been more common due to international travel. The most common symptoms through which these infections are manifested include constipation, diarrhea, tiredness, chills, heartburn, loss of appetite, […]
Struggling with Insomnia? Try ‘Sleepy Dust’- the Best Natural Sleeping Remedy
Unfortunately, a lot of people today have been dealing with insomnia and many of you who are reading this article are probably searching for a remedy that will help them get a good night’s sleep. As we know, insomnia or chronic sleeplessness can significantly weaken our immunity and overall health […]
The Best Natural Laxative: Eat This And You Will Empty Your Bowels And Excess Fluids
Without doubt, every person has probably experienced constipation, at least once in their life. According to statistics, irregular bowel movement affects every 1 in 10 individuals. One of the major contributing factors to constipation are excessive stress, poor physical activity, aging, specific meds, low intake of fiber and water, and […]
Foot Reflexology: 5 Pressure Points To Help Boost Your Metabolism And Lower Stress
Did you know that your thoughts influence the world around you, beginning with your body? This being said, if you want to be the best possible version of yourself, picture it in your mind! The capacity to imagine things is considered to have the best effect when a person is […]
A Powerful Veggie: Beetroot Reduces the Risk of Cancer by Removing Toxins from the Body
Did you know that beets are one of the most potent foods to eat and fight off cancer, but numerous other health problems too? Believe it or not, for centuries, this vegetable has been a part of cancer treatment in Europe. The interest in using it as a potential cure […]
Why The Cannabis Coconut Oil Is So Powerful And Effective?
Have you heard about cannabis-infused coconut? Do you maybe use it? Coconut oil has been successfully combined with cannabis because of several good reasons, including its high level of saturated fats. Namely, they make the coconut oil a strong binding agent for the cannabinoids in cannabis and will boost its […]