The NASA’s flight director of the Mars Perseverance, Diana Trujillo, came to the US from Colombia at the age of 17. As a kid in Cali, Colombia, Trujillo would often lie beneath the stars and gazed at the sky thinking ‘something has to be out there which is better than […]
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Honeybee Venom Molecule Found to Destroy Breast Cancer Cells in a New Study
According to scientists from the Australian Medical Research, honeybee venom was found beneficial in killing aggressive cells of breast cancer in a lab study. The study was published in the Nature Precision Oncology journal. The venom of the bees and its compound melittin were used against two types of cancer […]
Thanks to this Ancient DIY Syrup, You can Remove Lung Phlegm & Relieve Coughing Fast
Many of you have probably heard that carrots are very beneficial for healthy eyes; but, fewer of you also know that they’re also an amazing way to treat a cough naturally. Thanks to carrots, you can expel phlegm easier. In fact, carrot soup is an ancient remedy used against cold […]
Study Found: Stretching Is Better than Walking to Reduce High Blood Pressure
According to a new study done by scientists from the Saskatchewan University, stretching is better than brisk walking when it comes to lowering hypertension in hypertensive people or people at a higher risk of it. The co-author of the study and professor of kinesiology Dr. Phil Chilibeck notes that the […]
Self-Disinfecting Bed Sheets: Automatically Clean Themselves & Don’t Need to be Changed
Did you know that we spend a third of our day in bed? And, have you ever wondered how many bacteria there are in our bed sheets and pillowcases, even after only a week of using them? And, it’s more shocking to learn that some people don’t even change them […]
The Students at Green School Learn Outdoors with Interactive Projects
Green School International is a school with a new approach to learning-there, traditional subjects are available, but their program is also focused on holistic practical learning. The goal of this school is to help students learn the right way and the environment is also designed to help them achieve this. […]
Awesome Reasons to Stop Throwing Away Pickle Juice
Most of us think that pickle juice is only used to maintain the pickles fresh and tasty. So, when the pickles are gone, we also discard the juice. But, this practice often makes others cringe because this juice has so many amazing benefits to offer. From using it in the […]
How to Make Coconut Kefir Water: Reduces Sugar Cravings & Detoxifies the Liver
Sugar cravings can be hard to manage-a lot of sugar can also make our skin lose its glow, the one you had in your youth. It’s not uncommon to notice different facial changes after the age of 30, including brown spots, even in people with a clearer skin. Healthy diet […]
Vitamin D Supplement May Help Decrease the Risk of Cancer
For a long period of time, researchers have been focused on finding the link between cancer and vitamin D. Namely, according to epidemiological studies, people who live near the equator, where the exposure to the sun helps them produce more vitamin D; have a lower incidence of death from some […]
The Secret to Making a Bowl of Delicious, Creamy & Anti-Cancer Broccoli Soup
If you’re looking for an awesome soup recipe, we warmly recommend you this anti-cancer soup with broccoli. Abundant in minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients, it’s a real delight for the body. And, broccoli is one of the most potent superfoods in the world. It contains sulforaphane-a compound in cruciferous veggies that […]