In only 4 days, the 20-year-old Kaylen Ward managed to collect more than $700,000 for victims of the Australian fire crisis. She achieved this by sending nudes of herself to people who donated more than $10 to some of her proposed charities and sent her the receipt. The Californian has […]
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Golden Retriever Surprises Its Owner with a Baby Koala It Saved
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Texas Husband & Wife Officially Named ‘the Oldest Living Couple in the World’
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Humanitarian Scott Warren Released from Retrial Charges for Helping Migrants at the Mexican Border
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102-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor Reunites with His Nephew 80 Years Later
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Woman Leaves Back Door Open During a Storm, Later Finds 3 Deer Huddled in the House
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Bus Driver Sees 2 Wandering Dogs on the Road- Pulls in & Takes Them Inside
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Rescued Kangaroo Can’t Stop Hugging The Volunteers Who Saved Her Life
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Breathtaking Rainbow Clouds Caught on Siberian Peak: Stunning Mother Nature
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