An amazing group of high school students is helping the homeless and the environment by recycling plastic bags and making blankets from them. How amazing is this? Shelby Tillema is a senior at Lakewood High School and she formed a club where the students don’t just help the homeless, but […]
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Windowless Planes: Would You Fly in a Plane with a Panoramic View of the Sky?
Even though it may seem like the worst nightmare for a claustrophobic person, this new design from a Dubai-based airline Emirates eliminates windows from planes entirely. Rather than real-life view of the sky and clouds, the passengers will be able to look through virtual windows and to look at projections […]
Hospital Beds from Copper successfully Destroy Bad Bacteria, New Study Concludes
A recent study published in the journal of the American Society for Microbiology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology concluded that copper beds in ICUs harboured 95 percent fewer bad bacteria than the regular beds. What’s more, they kept this low-risk throughout the patients’ hospital stay. Could they be the key to […]
Parrot Stuck on a Roof for 3 Days Was Telling Firefighters Trying to Rescue Him to ‘F*** Off’
A group of firefighters were trying to rescue a parrot stuck on the roof. The turquoise and yellow macaw parrot refused to come down for three days and was even saying ‘f*** off’ to the firefighters trying to help it. The London Fire Brigade was called in Edmonton; North London […]
Ex-Navy Engineer Builds a Car Battery which Can Go for 1,500 Miles without Charging
Imagine if you could drive your eco-friendly car for 1,500 miles without stopping for recharge thanks to this innovative car battery? This distance is more than 4 times as far as the best and most expensive model of an eco-friendly car can currently go without being charged. The innovative battery […]
The Gluten Free Rice That Detoxes Your Body And Improves Digestion
Black rice is definitely making its way back to people’s menus because more of its amazing health benefits are being discovered. So, if you want to follow a healthy diet and give your body good nourishment, you definitely need this rice! It originates from China and many also refer to […]
Tennis Player Roger Federer Provides Schooling And Food For A Million Children
The popular tennis star Roger Federer doesn’t just excel in tennis, but is also an active philanthropist who works alongside Bill Gates and others to help provide education for all children and help those impacted by natural disasters. This year, the Swiss-born player was named highest-paying athlete in the world […]
Gay Couple Adopts Baby with HIV Who Was Rejected by 10 Families
A gay couple decides to adopt a baby girl with HIV who was rejected by 10 families and turns into the most heartwarming story. Ariel Vijarra, 39, and Damian Pighin, 42, are the first gay couple to marry in the Argentine province of Santa Fe and in 2011; they also […]
10 Amazing Reasons Why People with Older Sisters Are Blessed in Life
Sisters are bound by family and remain best friends for life. If you have a sister who’s also your best friend, you’re definitely the luckiest person on earth. The friendship between sisters is a magical connection and the way you’ve been intertwined in life is one-of-a-kind. Unfortunately, not all sisters […]
Sleep in a Colder Room to Fall Asleep Faster & Alleviate Stress
If you like to sleep in a warmer room, we have some bad news for you- sleeping in a colder room is so much healthier for you! Namely, Christopher Winter, medical director at Charlottesville Neurology & Sleep Medicine points out that we should keep the temperature in our bedrooms between […]