Tag: healthy heart

Top 10 Foods to Lower Cholesterol

Top 10 Foods to Lower Cholesterol

Heart illness is one of the leading causes of death globally. With high levels of bad cholesterol, the risk of heart disease elevates. And, having low levels of good cholesterol and high triglycerides are also associated with increased risk of cardiovascular problems. But, the good news is that your diet […]

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Probiotics

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Probiotics

Nowadays, we hear so much about probiotics and that they’re good for us, but do we know why? Probiotics are actually live microorganisms which can be acquired through certain foods or supplements. A rising number of studies indicate that the bacterial imbalance in our digestive system is associated with our […]

10 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

10 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

If you’ve been decorating with pumpkins for Halloween, don’t just scoop out and throw away the seeds. In fact, keep them and roast them-they’re so healthy and delicious. They’re packed with some impressive nutrients, despite their small size, and you’ll get some zinc, magnesium, as well as healthy fats from […]

Great Reasons Why Dogs Truly Are Man’s Best Friend

Throughout the ages, people have been saying that dogs are one of our best companions. From all of the domesticated animals, they’re the ones with the so many different roles, from protectors and helpers to companions and lifesavers. Dogs are without doubt amazing friends and they’ve been with us throughout […]